Programming in Safe-C

Table of contents


Although the general public loves new technologies (tablets, smartphones, PC, ..), programming has the reputation of being hard and is not appreciated as hobby.

However, this was not the case in the years 1980, the golden age of micro computers, when many people were playing with little programs in "Basic".

What has changed since is that languages and programming environments have become much more complex and out of reach from the general public. Indeed, a new generation of computer scientists invented new concepts likes : "object-oriented programming", "classes", "polymorphism", "derived types", "exceptions", "lambda expression", etc..

Do these new concepts really bring improvements ? Well, at the risk of surprising you, i will tell you that they don't bring much, and that you can do very well without them. In fact, you don't need them at all, even for very large professional programs.

In this tutorial you will learn to program in a simple and fun way. But make no mistake : Safe-C is not a toy. Although our first programs will be simple, the langage is extremely powerful and allows writing in a very efficient way all kinds of programs.

Chapter 1 : Dos Command Boxes

1.1 Open a Dos Command Box

Before starting, you will have to master 'Dos Command Boxes'. Maybe you saw them before, they are the black boxes that "pros" use to send commands to the computer.

To open a box, clic on "Start", then on "Execute".

Enter then the command cmd and clic on OK.

You should see a command box like this one :

As you will spend quite some time using these boxes, it's worth to spend time modifying them a little to make your life easier. You can change the font and the size (for exemple stretch it vertically to have more space) by clicking on the upper left corner, then on Properties,

which will make the following menu appear :

Watch on the picture the height of the buffer memory which is set to 300, which will make a scrollbar appear on the right and will enable you to have more space.

1.2 Basic commands

Here are some commandes that you can try : type DIR then hit the Enter key(<-)

A list of folders of user Samuro will be shown.

The DIR commande is the ancestor of the Windows Explorer, it is used to obtain a list of all files that appear in a directory. Here the default directory is C:\Users\Samuro.

To change directory, we use the commande CD (change directory), for example type CD \WINDOWS (don't forget the \ !) to move into the WINDOWS folder, then type DIR. You should see a large number of Windows files.

To display it page per page, try the command DIR /P     (be careful the / is the other way around)

To clear the screen, try the command CLS.

To move to the root of disk C (thus in no folder at all), type CD \

Now we can create a new folder, for example we can call it SAFE-C. Simply type MD SAFE-C (MD means Make Directory).

We can now move within the folder SAFE-C by typing CD \SAFE-C

And finally we can display the list of everything in this folder with DIR :

You can see that the folder is empty.

If you start the windows explorer you can see the folder you just created :

We will also mention the commande HELP that will give your infos about all existing commands. For exemple HELP DIR will give you infos about all options of the DIR command.

Chapter 2 : my first programs

2.1 Install the Safe-C compiler

To compile your programs, vous need the Safe-C compiler that you can download here.

Create a folder on your C disk (for example C:\Safe-C), then unzip and copy all files in it.

You should see the following files :

2.2 Write a simple program

Open a Dos Command Box (see previous chapter) and move into the compiler's folder.

type the command :

    notepad hello.c

Notepad will ask you : "would you like to create a new file ?" Answer YES.

Type then your first program :

// hello.c

from std use console;

void main()
  printf ("Hello, World !\n");

Save and close Notepad.

Check that your file hello.c was created within the folder :

In the Dos Command Box, type then the command :

    mk hello

that will compile your source text hello.c into the program hello.exe

All that's left to do is starting your program by typing :


and you should see "Hello, World!" appear on the screen.

Congratulations, you just created your first program !

If you get a Windows error when you launch the program, it's likely that Windows Defender has deleted your program following an erroneous virus detection. In this case, you need to add the compiler directory in the excluded folders of Windows Defender.

Later, if you distribute your program over the Internet, and want to avoid alerts among your users, you need to notify the Windows Defender team a day in advance so that they can whitelist your program. This is done automatically by uploading your program on

2.3 "Hello World" in details

// hello.c

from std use console;

void main()
  printf ("Hello, World !\n");

Let's examine this first program in details.

The first line starts with the sign // which indicates a comment. It is thus ignored by the compiler.

from std use console;

The second line tells the compiler to open the standard library std (std.lib) and to look for the component 'console'. If you have a look on the main page of this website to see the content of the component 'console' you will find the declaration of the function printf() that we will be able to use below.

void main()

The third line indicates to the compiler that the program starts here. All Safe-C programs consist of one or more functions. main() is such a function, and in fact all programs have a main() function because that's where the program starts. In general the main() function will call other functions.

  printf ("Hello, World !\n");

The curly brackets { } enclose the instructions that the function will execute. Here we have just one instruction, printf(), which is used to display a text of the command box. Each instruction ends with a semicolon (;)

To call a function, you just give its name (here printf) et you provide any arguments within parenthesis (here "Hello, World !\n"). When there are no arguments, you just add an empty pair of parenthesis ().

By the way, the sign \n does not display, it's just a symbol that indicates a carriage return to the next line. So, if you put a second printf() just after, it will display its text on the line below and not to the right.

In fact, we could have written the printf() in three times with the same effect :

  printf ("Hello, ");
  printf ("World !");
  printf ("\n");

Just try to modify this program to display something else ..

2.4 My 2nd program

The following program will use the formula C = 5/9*(F-32) to display a temperature conversion table between Farenheit and Celsius degrees :
    0   -17
   20    -6
   40     4
   60    15
   80    26
  100    37
  120    48
  140    60
  160    71
  180    82
  200    93
  220   104
  240   115
  260   126
  280   137
  300   148
This program introduces several new ideas : variables and repetition.

// table Fahrenheit-Celsius

from std use console;

void main()
  int fahr, celsius;
  int lower, upper, step;
  lower = 0;    // lower limit of temperature scale
  upper = 300;  // upper limit
  step = 20;    // step size
  fahr = lower;
  while (fahr <= upper)
    celsius = 5 * (fahr-32) / 9;
    printf ("%5d %5d\n", fahr, celsius);
    fahr = fahr + step;

In Safe-C, you need to declare a list of all variables before using them :

  int fahr, celsius;
  int lower, upper, step;

"int" indicates that they are integer variables that contain a number without comma between -2147483648 and +2147483647.

The program starts with 3 assignations that give the variables their initial values :

  lower = 0;    // lower limit of temperature scale
  upper = 300;  // upper limit
  step = 20;    // step size

The "while" instruction is used to loop : while the condition is true, we repeat the instructions between curly brackets. Note that the curly brackets are not necessary if there's only a single instruction.

  fahr = lower;
  while (fahr <= upper)
    celsius = 5 * (fahr-32) / 9;
    printf ("%5d %5d\n", fahr, celsius);
    fahr = fahr + step;

Most of the work is done in the computation "5 * (fahr-32) / 9" which will put its results in the left-hand variable. The sign * indicates a multiply, the sign / indicates division. Note that, since these are 'int' variable, thus without comma, results will be truncated, the fractionnary part is removed.

    celsius = 5 * (fahr-32) / 9;

The function printf is used to display a formatted line. Here the format %5d indicates that we want to display a decimal value (so int) in 5 positions.

    printf ("%5d %5d\n", fahr, celsius);

The last instruction will increase 'fahr' by the value 'step'. More precisely, it will compute the right-hand expression 'fahr + step' and put the result into the left-hand variable "fahr". The variable receives thus a new value before the next iteration of the loop.

  fahr = fahr + step;

You noticed that the temperatures are approximative since we work with type 'int'. Here's the same program with "float" variables :

// table Fahrenheit-Celsius

from std use console;

void main()
  float fahr, celsius;
  float lower, upper, step;
  lower = 0.0;    // lower limit of temperature scale
  upper = 300.0;  // upper limit
  step = 20.0;    // step size
  fahr = lower;
  while (fahr <= upper)
    celsius = 5.0 * (fahr-32.0) / 9.0;
    printf ("%8.3f %8.3f\n", fahr, celsius);
    fahr = fahr + step;

which results in the following output :

   0.000  -17.777
  20.000   -6.666
  40.000    4.444
  60.000   15.555
  80.000   26.666
 100.000   37.777
 120.000   48.888
 140.000   60.000
 160.000   71.111
 180.000   82.222
 200.000   93.333
 220.000  104.444
 240.000  115.555
 260.000  126.666
 280.000  137.777
 300.000  148.888

Notice the special formatting for floats :

    printf ("%8.3f %8.3f\n", fahr, celsius);

which means : display with 8 character in total, including 3 digits after the comma.

The function printf has lots of options and allows the following formattings :

   "% [flag] [width] [. precision] Type"

   Type                          output
   ----                          ------
   %                             '%%' will be written '%'
   d  int                        decimal number (-61)
   u  uint or enum               unsigned number (12)
   x  integer or enum            hexadecimal number (7fa)
   e  float, double              scientifique format (3.9265e+2)
   f  float, double              floating comma (392.65)
   c  char or string             all chars, or max 'precision' chars.
   C  wchar or wstring           all wchars, or max 'precision' wchars.
   s  string                     string stops at nul, or "precision" chars
   S  wstring                    wstring stops at Lnul, or "precision" wchar

   -    For all            : justify left (default is : justify right).
   +    For d, e, f        : prefix '+' for positive or zero numbers.
   0    For d, e, f, x, u  : prefix leading '0' instead of spaces
                             (not allowed together with flag '-')

   (Number)   minimum number of characters to display (padded with
              spaces or digits zero if necessary).
              The value is not truncated if the result is too long.
   *          The width is not specified in the format string but in an additional
              "int" parameter preceding the value to be displayed.

   . Number  A point without number indicates a precision of zero.
             For f: it's the number of digits after the decimal point.
                    Default precision is 6.
                    No decimal point is displayed when precision is zero.
             For s/S: it's the exact number of characters to display.
                      By default it displays all characters.
   .*        Precision is not specified in the format string but in an additional
             "int" parameter preceding the value to be displayed.

Here is now a shorter way to write the same program :

// table Fahrenheit-Celsius

from std use console;

void main()
  int fahr;
  for (fahr=0; fahr<=300; fahr+=20)
    printf ("%5d %5d\n", fahr, 5 * (fahr-32) / 9);

The instruction "for" is made of 3 parts : the first "fahr=0" is only executed once. The condition "fahr<=300" is tested before each loop iteration to check if we continue to loop, and the third part "fahr+=20" is executed after the instructions to repeat, at the end of each loop.

The following version of the program uses "constants" which are variables that never change value. You will write them usually in upper case. Using a constant at the top of the program is interesting when you might want to change that value often or when it is used at several places in the program.

// table Fahrenheit-Celsius

from std use console;

void main()
  const int LOWER = 0;    // lower limit of temperature scale
  const int UPPER = 300;  // upper limit
  const int STEP  = 20;   // step size

  int fahr = LOWER;
  int celsius;
  while (fahr <= UPPER)
    celsius = 5 * (fahr-32) / 9;
    printf ("%5d %5d\n", fahr, celsius);
    fahr = fahr + STEP;

2.5 Input-Output

This program will ask you for 2 numbers and compute their sum :
// add.c

from std use console;

void main()
  int a, b, c;
  printf ("enter first number : ");
  scanf (" %d", out a);
  printf ("enter second number : ");
  scanf (" %d", out b);
  c = a + b;
  printf ("the sum is %d\n", c);

enter first number : 123
enter second number : 79
the sum is 202

The function scanf is used to input a value at the keyboard. It supports the following formattings :

  A blank character matches with zero or more white spaces to be ignored.
  A non-blank character, except a percent sign (%),
    must match exactly with the input character or the function will fail.

  Format :  "%[*][width] Type"

    *         A value is read but is not stored (there is no matching parameter).
   width      Maximum number of characters to read.

   Type                        Input
   ----                        -----
   '%'                         will read '%%'

   d   any int                 decimal number optionnaly prefixed with + or - (-61)

   u   any uint or enum        unsigned number (12)

   x   same as d or u          hexadecimal number (7fa)

   f   float or double         floating-point number (0,5) (12.4e +3)
   e   same as f

   c   char or string          fills parameter, or reads max 'width' chars.
   C   wchar or wstring        fills parameter, or reads max 'width' wchars.
   s   char or string          same as c but stops at first blank.
   S   wchar or wstring        same as C but stops at first blank.

The following program asks you to enter 3 numbers before computing their average :

// averager.c

from std use console;

void main()
  int a, b, c;

  printf ("please input 3 numbers : ");
  scanf (" %d %d %d", out a, out b, out c);

  printf ("the average is %d\n", (a+b+c) / 3);

The following program will read values and compute their average, however you will notice that we don't use scanf(). Input values are passed to the function main() during program start.

// averager2.c

from std use console, strings;

void main (string[] arg)
  int i;
  float f, sum, count;
  sum = 0.0;
  count = 0.0;
  for (i=1; i<arg'length; i++)
    sscanf (arg[i], " %f", out f);
    sum += f;
    count += 1.0;
  printf ("the average is %f\n", sum/count);

Here is how to start it :
C:\SAFE-C> averager2 56 129 126
the average is 103.666664

Be sure to provide at least one value, otherwise count will equal zero and this will cause a "division par zero" program crash.

With the following program you can create a file on disk and write text lines in it.

// writer.c

from std use console, files;

void main()
  FILE file;
  int  rc;
  const string FILENAME = "myfile.txt";
  rc = fcreate (out file, FILENAME, ANSI);
  if (rc < 0)
    printf ("error: cannot create file %s\n", FILENAME);
  fprintf (ref file, "Hi World !\n");
  fprintf (ref file, "This is a test writing into file %s\n", FILENAME);
  fprintf (ref file, "have a good day.\n");

  fclose (ref file);

After execution, the file "myfile.txt" will exist on your disk. If you open it with notepad, you will see that it contains :

Hi World !
This is a test writing into file myfile.txt
have a good day.

The following program will read a text file and display its content on the screen.

// reader.c

from std use console, files;

void main()
  FILE file;
  int  rc;
  char line[100];
  const string FILENAME = "myfile.txt";
  rc = fopen (out file, FILENAME);
  if (rc < 0)
    printf ("error: cannot open file %s\n", FILENAME);
  while (fgets (ref file, out line) == 0)
    printf ("%s", line);
  fclose (ref file);

if you execute it, you will see the following display :

Hi World !
This is a test writing into file myfile.txt
have a good day.

The following program will read a text file and count the number of "a" letters it contains.

// counter.c

from std use console, files, strings;

void main()
  FILE file;
  int  rc;
  char line[100];
  int  count;
  const string FILENAME = "myfile.txt";
  rc = fopen (out file, FILENAME);
  if (rc < 0)
    printf ("error: cannot open file %s\n", FILENAME);
  count = 0;
  while (fgets (ref file, out line) == 0)
    int len = strlen(line);
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<len; i++)
      if (line[i] == 'a')
  fclose (ref file);
  printf ("number of A's : %d\n", count);

If you try it, you will see the following output :

number of A's : 4

It's possible to separate the parts "file reading" and "letter counting" by using a function.

// counter2.c

from std use console, files, strings;

int number_of_a (string line)
  int len = strlen(line);
  int count = 0;
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<len; i++)
    if (line[i] == 'a')
  return count;

void main()
  FILE file;
  int  rc;
  char line[100];
  int  count;
  const string FILENAME = "myfile.txt";
  rc = fopen (out file, FILENAME);
  if (rc < 0)
    printf ("error: cannot open file %s\n", FILENAME);
  count = 0;
  while (fgets (ref file, out line) == 0)
    count += number_of_a (line);
  fclose (ref file);
  printf ("number of A's : %d\n", count);

It's possible to put the function in a separate file. You need then to create 3 files :

// acounter.h

int number_of_a (string line);

// acounter.c

from std use strings;

public int number_of_a (string line)
  int len = strlen(line);
  int count = 0;
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<len; i++)
    if (line[i] == 'a')
  return count;

// mycounter.c

from std use console, files;
use acounter;

void main()
  FILE file;
  int  rc;
  char line[100];
  int  count;
  const string FILENAME = "myfile.txt";
  rc = fopen (out file, FILENAME);
  if (rc < 0)
    printf ("error: cannot open file %s\n", FILENAME);
  count = 0;
  while (fgets (ref file, out line) == 0)
    count += number_of_a (line);
  fclose (ref file);
  printf ("number of A's : %d\n", count);

You need only to compile the file containing the function main, the compiler will follow the "use" clauses and find the other files automatically.

Chapter 3 : Calender

3.1 Day of the week

To display the date and time, try the following program :

// date1.c

from std use calendar, console;

void main()
  DATE_TIME now;

  get_datetime (out now);

  printf ("We are the %02d/%02d/%04d ",, now.month, now.year);
  printf ("and it is %02d:%02d:%02d.\n", now.hour, now.min, now.sec);

which displays :

We are the 03/01/2011 and it is 19:24:43.

DATE_TIME is a une structure which is declared like this in the standard library component "calendar" :

struct DATE_TIME
  int2 year;     // 1901 to 9999
  int1 month;    //    1 to   12
  int1 day;      //    1 to   31
  int1 hour;     //    0 to   23
  int1 min;      //    0 to   59
  int1 sec;      //    0 to   59
  int2 msec;     //    0 to  999

You can see it contains 7 fields (year, month, day, hour, min, sec and msec).

The function get_datetime() defined in calendar will fill the variable 'now', then we will use printf() to display the different fields.

Watch the formatting of printf : %02d indicates a numeric field of 2 digits, %04d indicates a numeric field of 4 digits.

We could have written too %2d and %4d but then the program would have displayed this :

We are the  3/ 1/2011 and it is 19:25:53.

You see the difference ? The 0 tells printf to fill the field with zeroes instead of blanks.

Take a guess, if we write %d instead of %2d, what will it print ? Just try it ...

3.2 Months of the year

Let's complicate a little. How do you display the months of the year in letters instead of digits ? Try this :

// date2.c

from std use calendar, console;

void main()
  const string months[12] = {"Janvier", "Février", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin",
                             "Juillet", "Aout", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre",
  DATE_TIME now;

  get_datetime (out now);

  printf ("Nous sommes le %d %s %d\n",, months[now.month-1], now.year);

Nous sommes le 3 Janvier 2011

Take a guess, how does mois[now.month-1] work ?

The now.month indicates the month from 1 to 12. We subtract 1 from it because array indexes of months[] always start at 0.

Notice that we used %s to indicate a "string" instead of a numeric field as previously.

3.3 Display a calendar

To close this chapter, we shall display a calendar with all the days of this month.

// date3.c

from std use calendar, console;

void main()
  const string mois[12] = {"Janvier", "Février", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin",
                             "Juillet", "Aout", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre",
  const string jours_semaine[7] = {"Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi",
                                   "Vendredi", "Samedi", "Dimanche"};
  DATE_TIME now;
  int       jour;

  get_datetime (out now);

  for (jour=1; jour<=max_days_in_month (now.month, now.year); jour++)
    printf ("%9s : Le %2d %s %d\n",
            jours_semaine[day_of_week (jour,now.month, now.year)-1],

The function max_days_in_month() computes the maximum number of days of a month, and the function day_of_week() computes the weekday of a date (1=monday, 7=sunday). All these functions are defined within the component 'calendar'.

The instruction 'for' allows to make the variable 'jour' vary between 1 and the maximum number of days of the month by incrementing it by one (jour++) in each loop.

Try to modify this program to display something else ..

Chapter 4 : data types

4.1 Integers

Safe-c has a rich set of data types for storing integers.

Here's a list :

name of type synonym memory use interval
int1 tiny 1 byte from -128 to +127
int2 short 2 bytes from -32_768 to +32_767
int4 int 4 bytes from -2_147_483_648 to +2_147_483_647
int8 long 8 bytes from -9_223_372_036_854_775_808 to +9_223_372_036_854_775_807

There are also unsigned types :

name of type synonym memory use interval
uint1 byte 1 byte from 0 to 255
uint2 ushort 2 bytes from 0 to 65_535
uint4 uint 4 bytes from 0 to 4_294_967_295

The type 'int' will be used most of the time.

Smaller types can be useful :

. when you need to declare many variables of that type, for example for a large array.
  Choosing a smaller types will help you then to save memory space.

. when you need to provide a type of a give size to an external interface.

Here's an example that uses all of these types:

// types.c

from std use console;

void main()
  int1 t;
  int2 s;
  int4 i;
  int8 l;

  byte  b;
  uint2 n;
  uint  u;

  t = 1;
  s = 32000;
  i = 1_000_000;                       // 1 million
  l = 1000L * 1000L * 1000L * 1000L;

  b = 0;
  n = 60000;
  u = 4_000_000_000;

  t = (tiny)(t * 100);    // conversion of the result to type tiny 

  printf ("these are signed numbers : %d, %d, %d et %d\n", t, s, i, l);
  printf ("these are unsigned numbers : %u, %u et %u\n", b, n, u);

  printf ("the smallest long is %d\n", long'min);
  printf ("the largest long is %d\n", l'max);

which displays :

these are signed numbers : 100, 32000, 1000000 et 1000000000000
these are unsigned numbers : 0, 60000 et 4000000000
the smallest long is -9223372036854775808
the largest long is 9223372036854775807

Internally, all computations are performed either in int, uint or long. If the result is stored in a smaller type, you have to convert it first :

  int2 a = 1;
  int2 b = 2;
  int2 c = (int2)(a + b);

Literals of type 'long' have an "L" suffix. If one of the operands has type 'long', then the result will also have type 'long'.

  int  a = 1;
  long b = a + 1L;

In the function printf, signed integers are represented by %d and unsigned ones by %u. You can specify a minimum number of characters (for example %10d), prefix with zeroes instead of blanks (%010d), or justify left (%-10d).

Attributes 'min et 'max allow you to query the smallest and largest value of a type.

4.2 Floating-Point numbers

For math computations (for example 3D), people use the types 'float' and 'double' :

name of type synonym memory use tinyest number largest number precision
float4 float 4 bytes 1.5E-45 3.4E+38 7 digits
float8 double 8 bytes 5.0E-324 1.7E+308 15 à 16 digits

Here's an example that uses these types:

// types2.c

from std use console;

void main()
  float  f;
  double d;

  f = 16.0 * 1.0e+10;
  d = 1.0e150 / 7.25e34;

  printf ("these are floating-point numbers : %f, %f ", f, d);
  printf ("that you can also display in scientific notation : %e, %e\n", f, d);

which displays :

these are floating-point numbers : 160000000000.000000, 137931034482758600000000
000000000000.000000 that you can also display in scientific notation : 1.600000e
+11, 1.379310e+115

In the function printf, floating-point types are represented by %f in normal display and by %e in scientific display (with exponent).

You can also specify a minimum number of characters (for example %10f), prefix with zeroes instead of blanks (%010f), justify to the left (%-10f).

You can also specify the number of decimal digits wished (%.2f), or combine both, for example if you want to display 12 characters from which 6 are decimals you will write (%12.6f).

Note that printf might ignore your number of characters (for example if you specify only %2f to display a billion).

4.3 Enumerations

There are essentially two widely used 'enumeration' types :

. type 'bool' that can have the values 'false' or 'true' and allows logical computations.

. type 'char' that stores ascii characters of everything displayed on screen.

These types are stored in 1 byte. Here's an example of their use :

// types3.c

from std use console;

void main()
  bool  b;
  char  c;

  b = 1230 > 63+6;   // true
  b = true;

  c = '$';

  printf ("this is a bool : %u and this is a char : %c\n", b, c);

which displays :

this is a bool : 1 and this is a char : $

In the function printf, type 'bool' is specified as an unsigned number (by %u) and displays a 0 for false and a 1 for true; type char is specified by %c.

Finally, we should mention also type 'wchar' (in 2 bytes) that can store all international characters, even chinese, and is specified by %C (upper case C).

4.4 User-defined enumeration types

You can create your own enumeration type. Imagine you're writing a card game, you could create an enumeration type FAMILY as follows :

// types4.c

from std use console;

void main()


  f = CARREAU;

  f++;         // increases f by 1, so f has now value TREFLE

  printf ("f has value         : %u\n", f);
  printf ("in clear this means : %s\n", f'string);

  printf ("first is : %u\n", f'first);
  printf ("last is : %s\n", f'last'string);

which displays :

f has value         : 3
in clear this means : TREFLE
first is : 0
last is : TREFLE

In the function printf, this enumeration type can be displayed in 2 ways :

- using %u, which will display its sequence number starting at 0, so it will display 0 for PIQUE, 1 for AS, etc ...

- or the variable can be converted into string using the attribute 'string and be displayed with %s (so here TREFLE).

Attributes 'first and 'last are used to compute the first and the last value of an enumeration type.

Chapter 5 : arrays

5.1 initialisation and display

The following program declares an array of 6 int's and fills it in 3 different ways before displaying its elements :

// tableau.c

from std use console;

void main()
  int tab[6];
  int i;

  tab = {12, 71, 33, 46, 84, 6};

  for (i=0; i<tab'length; i++)
    printf ("tab[%d] = %d\n", i, tab[i]);
  printf ("\n");
  tab[4:2] = {all => 1};

  for (i=0; i<tab'length; i++)
    printf ("tab[%d] = %d\n", i, tab[i]);
  printf ("\n");
  clear tab;

  for (i=0; i<tab'length; i++)
    printf ("tab[%d] = %d\n", i, tab[i]);
  printf ("\n");

It initialises first the array by copying an aggregate to it :

  tab = {12, 71, 33, 46, 84, 6};

Then, it replaces its elements 4 and 5 by the value 1 :

  tab[4:2] = {all => 1};

Finally, it puts zero in all elements :

  clear tab;

which displays :

tab[0] = 12
tab[1] = 71
tab[2] = 33
tab[3] = 46
tab[4] = 84
tab[5] = 6

tab[0] = 12
tab[1] = 71
tab[2] = 33
tab[3] = 46
tab[4] = 1
tab[5] = 1

tab[0] = 0
tab[1] = 0
tab[2] = 0
tab[3] = 0
tab[4] = 0
tab[5] = 0

When you declare an array of 6 elements, you use indexes in range 0 to 5 because arrays always start at index 0.

Note the presence of the attribute 'length. It is equivalent to the value 6 but with a big advantage : if you decide to enlarge your array to 10 elements, then the program will adapt automatically to the new length.

5.2 array slices

Slices are used, like for a cake, to take one or several elements of an array.

A slice is indicated by the notation " array [ start_index : number_of_elements ] " where start_index indicates the first index of the slice and number_of_elements indicates the number of elements.

The example below clears first the array, then it copies the values {1, 2, 3} into the first 3 elements (slice starts at 0, of length 3). Finally, it copies the slice into the next 3 array elements.

// tableau2.c

from std use console;

void main()
  int tab[6];
  int i;

  clear tab;

  tab[0:3] = {1, 2, 3};

  tab[3:3] = tab[0:3];

  for (i=0; i<tab'length; i++)
    printf ("tab[%d] = %d\n", i, tab[i]);

which displays :

tab[0] = 1
tab[1] = 2
tab[2] = 3
tab[3] = 1
tab[4] = 2
tab[5] = 3

Note that if you remove the instruction clear in the above example you will get the following compiler error message :

line 14 col 14 : semantic : local variable 'tab' used without having been initialized 

Why ?

Because a variable is not considered as initialized until it receives a full value of all its elements at once. However in this example we fill only the first 3 elements before reading it. Safe-c requires all variables to be initialized before being read, this garantees deterministic programs that behave the same way at each execution.

5.3 Sorting an array

Here's how to sort an array using the library component 'sorting':

// tableau3.c

from std use console, sorting;

int cmp (int a, int b)
  if (a < b)
    return -1;
  if (a > b)
    return +1;
  return 0;

package tri = new HeapSort (ELEMENT => int,
                            compare => cmp);

void main()
  int tab[6];
  int i;

  tab = {12, 71, 33, 46, 84, 6};

  tri.sort (ref tab);

  for (i=0; i<tab'length; i++)
    printf ("tab[%d] = %d\n", i, tab[i]);

which displays :

tab[0] = 6
tab[1] = 12
tab[2] = 33
tab[3] = 46
tab[4] = 71
tab[5] = 84

The component 'sorting' contains several generic packages to sort arrays of any type (in fact generic means it is independent of any type).

First, you need to explain to the sort function how to compare two elements, here two 'int'. To achieve that, we declare a function 'cmp' that compares two 'int' and that returns -1 if the first is smaller, 0 if they're equal, and +1 if the first is larger.

Then we "instantiate" (it means we create) a copy of the sort package by giving the generic package the type 'int' and our comparison function. It will then create a function "sort" that we can use.

The displayed result is the sorted array.

5.4 length check during compilation

// tableau4.c

from std use console;

void main()
  int tab[6];

  tab = {1, 2, 3};    // <-- ERROR

The above example will generate a compiler error message. Array lengths must match in an assignment. Copying an aggregate of 3 values to an array of 6 elements will obviously not work.

5.5 length check during execution

// tableau5.c

from std use console;

void main()
  int tab[6];
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<100; i++)
    printf ("filling %d ..\n", i);
    tab[i] = i;

The above example tries to copy a value into the indexes 0 to 99 of an array that has only 6 elements. If you execute this program it will first display :

filling 0 ..
filling 1 ..
filling 2 ..
filling 3 ..
filling 4 ..
filling 5 ..
filling 6 ..

and then it will crash with the following window :

Windows will sent a crash report about this to Microsoft and ask the database to check if a solution exists for this problem. Obviously, as Microsoft doesn't know your program you won't receive an answer ..

For more info about crashes, please read the next chapter ..

Chapter 6 : crashs and tracing

6.1 create an exception treatment

// tableau5.c

from std use console, exception;

void main()
  int tab[6];
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<100; i++)
    printf ("remplissage de %d ..\n", i);
    tab[i] = i;

Here's again the example from the previous chapter, but with two changes :

. we added the component 'exception' in the use list,

. we added a call to the function arm_exception_handler() at the start of the program.

This function will "arm" a special exception treatment in case of crash. Instead of sending a report about the crash to Microsoft, it will display this dialog :

You can see that the error occured in the source file 'tableau5.c' at line 15 !

All you need to do is open tableau5.c with notepad, to press the keys Ctrl+G and to type the line number (here 15), to see where your program crashed. Ah, it's at line "tab[i] = i;" no wonder.

6.2 Distributed programs

The above exception treatment works fine because the compiler put in your directory a file "tableau5.dbg" with the list of source code line numbers of your program. If you distribute your program on the internet you will probably give only "tableau5.exe". In case of crash, the window will be different :

How can we find again the line number here ? By using the tool "bug.exe" provided with the compiler. Provided you kept the file "tableau5.dbg" in the current directory, try to type the following command :

bug tableau5.dbg 401075

The tool will then answer this :

which will allow you to also find the error's source file and line.

6.3 Error reports

If you closed the error message a little too quickly, don't panic, it is not lost. Indeed, an error report file CRASH-REPORT.TXT is written in the program's current directory and it contains the same information :

crash date   : 03/11/2014 00:52:59
application  : C:\PROJECTS\SafeCSamples1\tableau5.exe
command line : tableau5
compile date : 03/11/2014 00:48:57

ACCESS_VIOLATION at rojects/safecsamples1/tableau5.c:15

eax=00000006 ebx=0000000a ecx=7506d371 edx=0018faf4
esi=00000014 edi=00000013 ebp=0018ff88 esp=0018ff60

6.4 Tracing

Until now we displayed the content of variables using printf. However this is not really practical if your program becomes large and displays a lot of lines.

Instead of printf, we will thus prefer to use a trace file that you first need to open at program start with open_trace(), then in which you will write text lines using the function trace() which has the same syntax as printf().

// test1.c

from std use exception, tracing;

void main()
  int tab[6];
  int i;

  open_trace ("test1.tra", 64*1024*1024);

  for (i=0; i<100; i++)
    trace ("filling %d\n", i);
    tab[i] = i;

In case of crash of your program, all you need to do is open your trace file with notepad (here it is called test1.tra) to see til where your program ran.

In this example, the file will contain :

11/01/10 22:03:55 : filling 0
11/01/10 22:03:55 : filling 1
11/01/10 22:03:55 : filling 2
11/01/10 22:03:55 : filling 3
11/01/10 22:03:55 : filling 4
11/01/10 22:03:55 : filling 5
11/01/10 22:03:55 : filling 6

Note that the date is reversed, here 11/01/10 indicates 10th january 2011.

When the trace file becomes too large (>64 MB), it is automatically renamed into .OLD and a new empty file is created. Thus there's no risk to fill your harddisk. You can specify another maximum size in open_trace().

Chapter 7 : strings

7.1 array of char and string

// str1.c

from std use console;

void main()
  string(4) nom1, nom2;

  nom1 = "Marc";
  nom2 = "Eric";

  printf ("Mon nom1 est : %s\n", nom1);
  printf ("Mon nom2 est : %s\n", nom2);

The above example declares two 4-character string variables, then it copies "Marc" and "Eric" in these variables and displays them :

Mon nom1 est : Marc
Mon nom2 est : Eric

A string is simply an array (or table) of characters. Indeed, the line :

  string(4) nom1, nom2;

could have been written as one of the following 3 equivalent lines :

  string  nom1(4), nom2(4);
  char[4] nom1, nom2;
  char    nom1[4], nom2[4];

It's because, in fact, the type "string" is predefined as :

  typedef char[] string;

Note that we could also, instead of writing this :

  nom1 = "Marc";

write this :

  nom1 = {'M', 'a', 'r', 'c'};

One thing is cumbersome, we can copy in 'nom1' only 4-character strings.

If you try this you will get an error :

  nom1 = "Luc";    // <-- ERROR

Of course you could copy Luc in the first 3 characters and nul in the 4th, which will display Luc correctly because printf() stops at the nul character :

  nom1 = {'L', 'u', 'c', nul};    // OK

or you could insert the nul character in the constant string, like this :

  nom1 = "Luc\0";     // OK

But all of this is not really practical.

So, how could we manipulate character strings more easily ?

7.2 component 'strings'

In fact we will use the component "strings" which contains some very useful functions :

The function strcpy() copies a string in another string and fills the non-used part with a "nul" character of value zero.

The function sprintf() is used like printf(), except that instead of displaying the result on the console it will copy it in the first string. Note that the keyword "out" must always be prefixed to the variable that receives a result.

// str2.c

from std use console, strings;

void main()
  char nom[64], prenom[64], nom_complet[128];

  strcpy (out prenom, "Lucien");
  strcpy (out nom,    "Demoitier");

  sprintf (out nom_complet, "%s %s", prenom, nom);

  printf ("Mon nom est : %s\n", nom_complet);

which displays :

Mon nom est : Lucien Demoitier

The function strcat() will concatenate a string at the end of another string. Note that you need to specify the keyword "ref" in front of the first string because this variable is "modified" :

// str3.c

from std use console, strings;

void main()
  char str[1000];

  strcpy (out str, "Bonjour ");
  strcat (ref str, " je ");
  strcat (ref str, " m'appelle ");
  strcat (ref str, " Lucien ");
  strcat (ref str, " Demoitier ");

  printf ("%s\n", str);

which displays :

Bonjour  je  m'appelle  Lucien  Demoitier

The function sscanf() does the reverse operation than sprintf() : It examines a string and extracts its various fields. Here the format indicates 4 fields (%*s %d %*s %d), we ask it to ignore fields with a * and to copy the two numeric fields in a and b.

// str4.c

from std use console, strings;

void main()
  char str[1000];
  int    a, b;

  strcpy (out str, "valeurs 12 et 18");

  sscanf (str, "%*s %d %*s %d", out a, out b);

  printf ("%d et %d\n", a, b);

which displays :

12 et 18

In the example below we declared a constant (thanks to the keyword const). A constant is similar to a variable, except that its value does never change. If you often use the same string it's interesting to declare it only once as constant.

// str5.c

from std use console;

void main()
  const string TITLE = "Hi friends !";
  printf ("%s\n", TITLE);

The following example shows that we can display a slice of a string. Here it will display "njo" since we start at index 2 and we display 3 characters :

// str6.c

from std use console, strings;

void main()
  char str[1000];

  strcpy (out str, "Bonjour");

  printf ("%s\n", str[2:3]);

The function strlen() computes the length of a string til reaching the filling nul character or until the end of the array. Here the programme will display 7 :

// str7.c

from std use console, strings;

void main()
  char str[1000];

  strcpy (out str, "Bonjour");

  printf ("le string a la longueur : %d\n", strlen(str));

Chapter 8 : constants, variables, typedef and ref

8.1 constants

A constant is declared with the keyword const. It is used to give a name to a value that doesn't change.

It is good style to write constants in upper case.

Here are some examples of constants of different simple, array and struct types :

  const int     MAX     = 45 * 100;
  const char    CARET   = '^';
  const string  WELCOME = "Hello " + " people" + "\n";
  const char[2] CRLF    = (char)13 + (char)10;
  const int^    NULL    = null;
  struct PRODUCT
    char[4] code;
    float   value;
  const PRODUCT prod1 = {"ABCD", 1.34};
  const PRODUCT prod2 = {code => "ABCD", value => 1.34};
  const PRODUCT[] prod_table = {{code => "AAAA", value => 1.31},
                                {code => "BBBB", value => 1.32},
                                {code => "CCCC", value => 1.33},
                                {code => "DDDD", value => 1.34}};

8.2 jagged types

Usually you specify a length when you declare an array inside a structure.

There is an exception to this rule : when you declare a constant, you can specify an array without length indication.

Here is an example, the structure INFO below is a "jagged structure" :

  from std use console;
  struct INFO
    char[] code;   // an array of char without length is allowed here
    float  value;

  const INFO info1 = {"bananas", 12.5};
  const INFO info2[] = {{"melon",   8.6}, 
                        {"apple", 120.4}}; 
  void main()
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<info2'length; i++)
      printf ("%-10s %6.1f\n", info2[i].code, info2[i].value);

which displays :

melon         8.6
bananas      12.5
apple       120.4

Note that the struct INFO here above cannot be used to declare variables. You can use it only to declare constants, parameters of mode IN, or references to these.

In a "jagged" structure you can also declare variant structures without giving a value for the discriminant parameter.

8.3 syntax of constant literals

Integer Number
An integer number can have a decimal, hexadecimal or binary form.

  64           // compatible with any integer number, signed or unsigned
  65_000_000   // with underline for better readability
  0xFF         // hexadecimal value
  0b1111_0000  // binary value
  176L         // long

The underline character (_) is allowed in an integer number for a better readability.

The most negative value (-2^63) is not representable by an integer literal,
you can use instead the expression long'min.

If the literal has an L suffix, it has type 'long'.

Floating-Point Number
A floating-point number can have type float or double.


A suffix "f" indicates a  type 'float', a suffix "d" indicates a type 'double'.
If no suffix is present, the type is determined by the context where the number appears.

A hexadecimal number (with prefix 0x) is used for a precise machine representation :
the mantissa is then specified in base 16 and the exponent is specified in base 10.

Character Literal
A character literal is a constant of type char (or of type wchar if it has a prefix 'L').

  '\x80'    // code 80 hexa
  L'\x00FF' // code FF hexa (prefix 'L' indicates a type wchar)

The following escape sequences are supported :

  \' 0x0027 Single quote
  \" 0x0022 Double quote
  \\ 0x005C Backslash
  \0 0x0000 Null
  \a 0x0007 Alert
  \b 0x0008 Backspace
  \f 0x000C Form feed
  \n 0x000A New line
  \r 0x000D Carriage return
  \t 0x0009 Horizontal tab
  \v 0x000B Vertical tab

String Literal
A string literal is a constant of type string (or of type wstring if it has a prefix 'L').

  "Hello" + " World"

String literals of more than 128 characters cause a compiler error.
Longer string literals can be built using the concatenation operator '+'.

8.4 variables

A variable is a name given to a memory location that will contain a value of a given type.

Here are some examples:

  int        count, i=0;
  char[10]   c;
  string(80) buffer;
  PRODUCT[]^ ptr = new PRODUCT[nb];

Variables can be declared at different places :

  1. local variable

    We call local variable a variable declared within a function body or within an instruction block.

    Such a variable is created when the function is called, and it disappears when the function ends. Furthermore, if a function is called several times recursively, several distinct occurences of the variable will co-exist.

  2. global variable

    A global variable is declared, either in an .h file, or at the start of a .c file (after the use clauses but before any function body declaration).

    If it is declared in a .h file it will be available to all program parts that import the .h component with a use clause.

    A global variable is created at program start and it disappears when the program ends. Its disadvantage, compared to a local variable, is that it occupies memory during the whole time the program runs.

  3. dynamic variable

    A dynamic variable is allocated through the allocator new and its memory address will be stored in a pointer variable.

    It exists as long as its memory was not deallocated with the instruction free.

A global variable must be declared before any function body declarations, for readability reasons.

This will cause an error :

  void treat()
  int i;    // <-- incorrect
  void main()

Indeed, the correct declaration order is :

  int i;    // <-- correct
  void treat()
  void main()

However, if you wish to declare the variable between two function bodies anyway, there exists a trick : you can declare a package enclosing the declaration, like this :

  void treat()
  package MY_VARIABLES
    int i;    // <-- correct
  void main()

8.5 type declaration

The keyword typedef is used to give a name to a type.


  typedef char[]   MYSTRING;      // type array without length
  typedef char[10] NAME;          // type array
  typedef byte[]^  POINTEUR;      // type pointer to array

  MYSTRING str(100);
  NAME     name;

typedef is also used to declare a type-to-function, which allows indirect function calls.

Here is an example:

  from std use console;
  typedef void TREAT (int nr);    // type pointer to function

  void A (int i)
    printf ("A : %d\n", i);
  void B (int i)
    printf ("B : %d\n", i);
  void main ()
    TREAT treat;         // variable of type 'pointer to function'
    treat = A;           // the variable receives the address of function A
    treat (nr => 100);   // indirect call of function A()
    treat = B;           // the variable receives the address of function B
    treat (nr => 200);   // indirect call of function B()

which displays :

A : 100
B : 200

8.6 reference declaration

A reference is used to give a synonym name to a variable or a parameter.

For example, imagine you have the following program :

  struct STUDENT
    int  nr;
    int  birth;
    char grade;
    bool passed;
  STUDENT student[100];
  void main()
    int i = 5;
    student[i].nr    = 5;
    student[i].birth = 1967;
    student[i].grade = 'F';
    student[i].passed = (student[i].grade <= 'C');

This program can be improved. Indeed, it repeats 4 times student[i] which requires 4 evaluations of the index [i].

Here is another version using a reference that only evaluates [i] once :

  struct STUDENT
    int  nr;
    int  birth;
    char grade;
    bool passed;
  STUDENT student[100];
  void main()
    int i = 5;

      ref STUDENT s = student[i];     = 5;
      s.birth  = 1967;
      s.grade  = 'F';
      s.passed = (s.grade <= 'C');

Don't forget the keyword ref otherwise you would simply declare a new variable. Here s is really a synonym of student[i].

Here are other examples :

  ref char   ch    = buffer[i];     // reference to array element
  ref string str   = buffer[0:3];   // reference to array slice
  ref int    age   = student.age;   // reference to age field

There is a catch when you use references of a pointer. During the time the reference is active it will lock the dynamic variable designated by the pointer so that you cannot deallocate it with free.


  void main()
    char[]^ buffer = new char[5];  // allocation of 5 characters

    ref char[] table = buffer^;    // table is a reference to buffer^

    table = "Hello";               // copy a value to the table

    free buffer;                   // free the buffer

The above program will crash on the instruction free because the reference will lock buffer.

The correct way to avoid this problem is to invoke free when the reference is not active anymore, by enclosing the reference in an instruction block like this :

  void main()
    char[]^ buffer = new char[5];  // allocation of 5 characters

      ref char[] table = buffer^;  // table is a reference to buffer^
      table = "Hello";             // copy a value to the table

    free buffer;                   // free the buffer

Chapter 9 : arithmetic computations and conversions

9.1 numeric operators

 Operator       Symbol    number of CPU cycles
 ===========    =======   ====================
 Add             +             1 µsec
 Subtract        -             1 µsec
 Multiply        *             4 µsec
 Divide          /            40 µsec
 Rest Division   %            40 µsec
 Shift Left      <<            1 µsec
 Shift Right     >>            1 µsec

In addition of being used on integers and floats, the operators "+" and "-" can also be used to add or subtract an integer from an enumeration type. Example:

  COLOR col = BLUE + 2;     // GREEN
  printf ("col = %s\n", col'string);

The operators / (division) and % (rest of division) cause a program crash if the right argument equals zero. Note that the operator % only works on integers.

The shift operators allows a very fast multiply or divide by a power of two. For example, instead of dividing by 64 with "a/64", you can shift by 6 with "a>>6" because 2 power 6 yields 64. When your program must go very very fast the shift is interesting because the division operation is about 40 times slower than a shift on current processors.

  int a = 2;
  int b = (a * (a + 1)) >> 1;

9.2 Incrementation and decrementation operators

 Operator        Symbol
 ===========     ======
 Add 1            ++
 Subtract 1       --

The incrementation operator "++" adds one to a variable and evaluates it at the same time. The operator can be placed before or after the variable, which has a different effect on the evaluation : if it is placed before, the evaluation returns the value after incrementation, otherwise it returns the value before incrementation. Example:

 int i = 0;
 int j = ++i;  // j == 1, i == 1

tandis que :

 int i = 0;
 int j = i++;  // j == 0, i == 1

9.3 Concatenation operator

 Operator       Symbol
 ===========    ======
 concat           +

The operator "+" can concatenate constants of type string or wstring. Example:

  const string WELCOME = "Welcome to " + "Safe-C programming\n";
  const string WELCOME2 = WELCOME + "We hope you have a nice day\n";

9.4 bitmask operators

 Operator                  Symbol
 ===========               ======
 logical AND                  &
 logical OR                   |
 exclusive OR                 ^
 Inversion                    ~

These operators work bit per bit on the binary representation of values.
The logical AND yields a bit 1 only if both values have a bit of value 1.
The logical OR yields a bit 1 only if at least one value has a bit of value 1.
The exclusive OR yields a bit 1 only if one value has a bit of value 1 but not the other one.
The inversion takes a single argument and inverts all 1 bits to 0, and 0 to 1.

  int i = 17 & 3;   // 1

  17 :   10001
   3 :   00011
   1     00001

9.5 comparison operators

 Operator                   Symbol
 ===========                ======
 smaller than                 <
 smaller than or equal to     <=
 larger than                  >
 larger than or equal to      >=
 equal to                     ==
 not equal to                 !=
 not                          !

The comparison operators will compare two numeric or enumeration values. The result is a value of type bool, true or false.

  int  i = 2;
  int  j = 3;
  bool b = i <= j;   // true

The operator "!" takes a single right boolean argument and inverses the values false and true.

  bool b = !(i <= j);   // false

The operators "==" and "!=" can compare pointers too.

  if (p != null)

9.6 boolean operators

 Operator            Symbol
 ========            ======
 AND                  &&
 OR                   ||
 exclusive OR         ^

Boolean operators are used to test several conditions at once.

  if (a == 2 && b == 3)   // both must be true
  if (a == 2 || b == 3)   // at least one of both must be true
  if (a == 2 ^ b == 3)    // one must be true, but not both

Please note that you can also combine several identical boolean operators :

  if (a == 2 && b == 3 && c == 4 && d == 5)

however, if the operators are different you need some parenthesis to remove ambiguities :

  if ((a == 2 && b == 3) || (c == 4 && d == 5))

Contrarily to all other operators, the operators && and || evaluate their right-hand argument only if necessary. This is useful to avoid divisions by zero.

  if (den == 0 || num/den > limit)   // num/den is evaluated only if den is not zero
  if (den != 0 && num/den > limit)   // num/den is evaluated only if den is not zero

9.7 conditional value

The operator "? :" is used to test a condition and to return a value if it's true, and another if it's false. Example :

  average = (count != 0) ? sum/count : 0;

This example stores in average the value 'sum/count' if count is not zero, otherwise it stores zero.

9.8 Priorities

Operators are not always executed from left to right. In the following example, the multiply is executed before the add, which means the result is 14, and not 20.

  int i = 2 + 3 * 4;      // == 14

If you want the add to be executed first, you need to use parenthesis, like this :

  int i = (2 + 3) * 4;    // == 20

Operators have the following evaluation priorities :

  priority of operators
  Unary                +   -  !  ~  --  ++
  Term                 *   /  %
  Sum                  +   -
  Simple Expression    <<  >>
  Relation             ==  !=  <  >  <=  >=
  Condition            &&  ||  &  |  ^
  Conditionnel Test    ?  :

9.9 Conversions

Safe-C does not allow mixing signed (int) and unsigned (uint) types. Consequently, if you want to add a signed and an unsigned type values you need to convert one of them first.

  int  i, j;
  uint u;

  i = 2;
  u = 34;

  j = i + (int)u;    // conversion of u to type int
  u = (uint)j;       // conversion of j to type uint

If you use the small types int1 or int2 to store a result of a computation, you will need to convert the result first.

  int  a, b;
  int1 i;

  a = 34;
  b = 12;

  i = (int1)(a + b);   // conversion to the type int1

If you use the small type float to store a value of type double, you need to convert it first :

  float f;
  f = (float)sin(angle);

If you need to convert a bool into int, you can convert it. The result will equal 0 or 1.

  int i;
  i = (int)(a < b);   // result 0 or 1

If you need to convert a type char into int, you can convert it :

  char c = 'A';
  int  i;
  i = (int)c;

If you want to convert a type float to type int, you can convert it. The result will be truncated. You can use the functions floor(), round() or ceil() from component math for different roundings.

  float f = 3.1415;
  int   i;

  i = (int)f;           // trunc (remove fractionary part)
  i = (int)floor(f);    // round down (towards most negative)
  i = (int)round(f);    // round to nearest integer
  i = (int)ceil(f);     // round up (towards most positive)

9.10 combined assignations

The following assignations can be combined with an operator. Here are some examples and their equivalents :

  int i = 1;

  i += 2;   // i = i + 2;
  i -= 3;   // i = i - 3;
  i *= 4;   // i = i * 4;
  i &= 1;   // i = i & 1;
  i <<= 1;  // i = i << 1;

Chapter 10 : instructions and blocks

10.1 clear

The instruction clear will erase one or more variables, thus put the value zero in them.

  int   i, j;
  float f;
  clear i, j, f;   // i = 0; j = 0; f = 0.0;

10.2 assignation

The assignation instruction "=" will compute the right-hand expression and copy it into the left-hand variable.

  int     i, j, k[2];
  float   f;
  char[3] tar;
  i = 2;
  j = i * 2 + 345;
  f = (float)j * 3.1415927;
  k = {i, j};
  tar = "ABC";

The combined assignation is an abbreviated form that is available for the following operators :

       +=  -=  *=  /=  %=  <<=  >>=  &=  |=  ^= 

  int j = 2;
  j += 3;   // j = j + 3;

10.3 incrementation or decrementation

To add or subtract one to an integer or enumeration variable, one the following abbreviations can be used :
  i++;    // i = i + 1;
  ++i;    // i = i + 1;
  i--;    // i = i - 1;
  --i;    // i = i - 1;

10.4 function call

A function call is indicated by a name following by a list of arguments in parenthesis. If there are no arguments we use only an empty pair of parenthesis.
  t = ticks();         // no parameters
  printf ("Hello");
  rc = fcreate (out file, "file.txt", ANSI);

There are 3 modes for parameter passing : IN, REF et OUT.

Mode IN is used by default when no keyword is specified : it passes the computed value to the function.

Mode REF indicates we pass a variable to the function which can possibly be modified.

Mode OUT means the function will return us a result in this variable. Contrarily to the two other modes, it is not necessary to initialize the variable before the call.

  int value1 = 1;
  char table2[10];
  int result3;
  clear table2;
  my_function (value1, ref table2, out result3);

Note that the keyword "in" does not exist. When you wish to use mode IN you specify no mode at all.

To make function calls clearer, you can specify parameter names followed by an arrow "=>" :

  i = strstr (text => "WiZZ", fragment => "i");
  init_draw (out dc     => my_dc,
                 buffer => buf,
                 width  => 100,
                 height => 200);

A function can have a default value for its last parameters. They are then optional.

    void put_int (int value, int base = 10);

    put_int (i, base => 16);
    put_int (i);                 // assumes base 10

10.5 return

The instruction "return" ends a function and possibly returns a result. You can only return simple values, that means no arrays and no structs.

  int sum (int a, int b)
    return a + b;

  void proceed (int f)
    if (f == 2)
    // ...

10.6 block

A block instruction groups a series of instructions. The instructions if, while and for need either one instruction, or a block. At the beginning of a block you can declare variables that are only available within the block.

  {        // block instruction
    int i;

10.7 if

The if instruction allows conditional execution.

   if (b)
     // ...

   if (b)
     ;       // ; is an empty instruction

10.8 switch

The instruction switch allows conditional execution with several branches.

  switch (i)
    case -1:    // when i equals -1

    case 1:     // when i equals 1

    default:    // default branch when none of the values match

10.9 while

The instruction 'while' allows the repetition of instructions as long as a condition is true.

  compteur = 0;
  while (compteur < 10)
  while (compteur < 20)
    printf ("compteur = %d\n", compteur);

10.10 for

The instruction 'for' is a more compact form than the instruction 'while'.

It is composed of 3 parts separated by two semicolons. The first part is only executed once, the second is a condition that is tested before each loop iteration to see if we continue to loop, and the third is executed after the instruction to repeat, at the end of each loop.

Parts 1 and 3 can be empty or contain several instructions separated by commas.

When part 2 is empty then the instructions will loop forever (except if there's a break or a return in the loop).

  for (compteur=0; compteur<10; compteur++)
  for (i=0; i<arg'length; i++)
    printf ("arg %d : %s\n", i, arg[i]);

  for ( ; p!=null; i++,j+=3,p=p^.next)

  for (;;)   // infinite loop

10.11 break

The instruction 'break' is used to exit the most intern enclosing 'while', 'for' or 'switch' instruction.

   for (i=0; i<10; i++)
     if (i == j)

10.12 continue

The instruction 'continue' is used to skip to the next iteration of a 'while' or 'for' instruction.

   for (i=0; i<10; i++)
     if (i == j)   // skip j
     printf ("i = %d\n", i);

10.13 free

The instruction 'free' deallocates the dynamic object designated by a pointer.

  free p;
  free null;
  free f();

Freeing a null pointer has no effect.

An exception will occur if the heap object is still referenced by a reference or a parameter, or if it was already freed before.

10.14 assert

The instruction 'assert' triggers a program stop if a condition is false.

  assert TABLE_SIZE%2 == 0;  // TABLE_SIZE doit être divisible par deux

10.15 abort

An instruction 'abort' stops the program.

    switch (reponse)
      case 'Y':
        printf ("yes");

      case 'N':
        printf ("no");

        abort;   // should never occur

10.16 sleep

The instruction 'sleep' suspends the program for a specified duration, in seconds.

  sleep 10;   // wait 10 seconds
  sleep 1.5;  // wait 1.5 seconds
  sleep 0;    // skip current time slice for this thread

The expression must have an integer or a float type. Durations of more than 86400 seconds (a day) or smaller than -86400 seconds are not valid. Negative durations are equivalent to zero.

10.17 code

The instruction 'code' insert machine code directly into the program.

It is only allowed in an unsafe section.

  #begin unsafe
  _asm {0xC2 0x08 0x00};   // ret 8
  #end unsafe

10.18 _unused

The instruction '_unused' removes the warning message saying a variable or parameter is unused.

   _unused par1;

10.19 Run

The instruction "run" is used to start a thread which will execute in parallel with your program. The parameters of the thread function are limited to a single parameter of type int.

  from std use console;

  void my_thread (int nr)
    printf ("this is my_thread %d\n", nr);

  void main()
    int rc;
    rc = run my_thread (1);    // rc == 0 if the thread started well.
    rc = run my_thread (2);    // rc == 0 if the thread started well.
    rc = run my_thread (3);    // rc == 0 if the thread started well.
    printf ("this is main\n");
    sleep 1.0;

which displays :

this is main
this is my_thread 2
this is my_thread 1
this is my_thread 3

Chapter 11 : functions, parameters, main and recursivity

11.1 function declaration

A function declaration details the parameters, return value and options of a function.

  int start_treatment ();
  int treat (string name, char option);
  void sum (int a, int b, out c);
  void operate (ref TABLE table);
  void print (int value, int width = 1);

There are 3 modes for passing parameters :

  mode direction parameter access
  ==== ========= ================
  in      -->     read-only
  ref     <->     read and write
  out     <--     write first, then read and write

Mode "in" is used to pass a value to the function. Within the function, a parameter of mode "in" cannot be modified. Note that the keyword "in" does not exist, when you wish to specify the mode "in" you indicate no mode at all.

Mode "ref" passes the address of a variable to the function so that it can be changed.

Mode "out" allows the function to pass a value back from the function. Within the function, a parameter of mode "out" is considered as non-initialised; it must receive a value before the function ends.

  void my_func (int a, ref int b, out c)
    a = 1;  // error : a cannot be modified
  }         // error : c must receive a value

Internally, mode "in" parameters are passed by value for simple values and by address for compound values. Mode "ref" and "out" parameters are always passed by address. For parameter types "array without length" or "variant struct without discriminant", an additional hidden parameter is passed with the array length or the discriminant value. This is what allows using the attribute 'length to know the array length inside the function.

  void my_func2 (string str)
    int len = str'length;

If a parameter of mode "in" has a default constant value (example: 'width' above), then the corresponding parameter is optional during the function call :

  print (value => 10, width => 2);
  print (value => 10);              // width == 1 is default

The return type of a function can be a simple type (so array, struct, union, opaque or generic are not allowed), or "void" if the function has no parameters :

  string concat (string a, string b);   // error: return type must be simple type

The following options exist :

1) inline
  inline int treat (char count);

indicates that the function should be inserted inline instead of being called.

2) callback
  int MainWin (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WORD w, LONG l);

indicates that the function will be called by the operating system.

3) extern
  [extern "KERNEL32.DLL"]
  int GetStdHandle (int nStdHandle);

indicates that the body of the function is in an extern DLL.

The options callback and extern are only allowed in an unsafe section
(see unsafe pointers).

11.2 function body

The body of a function defines its intern working.

  void sum (int a, int b, out int c)
    c = a + b;

The prefix "public" is mandatory for a function body if the function was predeclared in an .h file with the same name as the .c file :

  // p.h
  void sum (int a, int b, out int c);    // declaration

  // p.c
  public void sum (int a, int b, out int c)   // body with keyword "public"
    c = a + b;

To use the function sum you will have to import the file p.h using a clause "use p;"

A function having a non-void return type must end with an instruction return or abort.

11.3 function main

The entry point into a program is a function called 'main'. There must only be a single function of this name.

It must have return type void or int. In case of type int, the value is returned to the operating system.

  int main()
    return -1;

main() must have, either no parameters, or a single parameter of mode 'in' and type string [ ] which will receive a string table with all arguments specified at program start. The first argument (at index 0) is the program name itself.

  // prog.c
  from std use console;
  void main(string[] par)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<par'length; i++)
      printf ("parametre %d : %s\n", i, par[i]);

which displays :

C:\SafeC> prog un deux trois
parametre 0 : prog
parametre 1 : un
parametre 2 : deux
parametre 3 : trois

11.4 recursivity

A function can call itself, which allows recursive calls. It is however necessary to limit the depth of the recursion because a too large number of calls will cause a program crash. This number depends on the number of local variables declared in the function.

// recursif.c

from std use console;

int factorielle (int i)
  if (i == 1)
    return 1;
  return i * factorielle (i-1);  // the function calls itself here

void main()
  int n;
  for (n=1; n<=10; n++)
    printf ("factorielle(%d) = %d\n", n, factorielle(n));

with the result:

factorielle(1) = 1
factorielle(2) = 2
factorielle(3) = 6
factorielle(4) = 24
factorielle(5) = 120
factorielle(6) = 720
factorielle(7) = 5040
factorielle(8) = 40320
factorielle(9) = 362880
factorielle(10) = 3628800

Chapter 12 : compilation units and opaque types

12.1 compilation units

A large Safe-C program is composed of multiples files with the extensions .h and .c

.h and .c files always go by pairs, except the main .c file for which the .h file is optional.

A pair of .h and .c files form a "compilation unit" :
. the .h file will contain the "public" declarations which are usable outside the compilation unit
. whereas the .c file, which is the "private" part, will contain all function bodies and other declarations not visible outside.

The .h files define thus the interfaces between all program parts. Here's an example of a .h file :

// plotter.h

struct POINT
  float x, y;

const POINT ORIGIN = {x => 0.0, y => 0.0};

void move (POINT from, POINT to);

The interface plotter.h declares a structure POINT, a constant ORIGIN and a function move that can be used by a program p.c like this :

// p.c

use plotter;

void main()
  move (ORIGIN,     {1.0, 2.0});
  move ({1.0, 2.0}, {2.0, 4.0});
  move ({2.0, 4.0}, ORIGIN);

The clause "use plotter;" at the start of the program will import the file plotter.h so you can use its declarations. Note that if plotter.h and .c are elsewhere on the disk, you would have to provide the relative path to find them. For example if they are located in the sub-folder "hardware" :

use hardware/plotter;

What does plotter.c, the private part, look like ? Well it will contain all kinds of functions to make a plotter work, but it will certainly contain a body for the function move(). As function move() is declared in the .h, the keyword "public" is mandatory for the .c :

// plotter.c

void plot (POINT p)

public void move (POINT from, POINT to)  // <-- mandatory keyword "public"
  POINT p;
  p = from;
  while (p.x < to.x)
    plot (p);
    p.x += 0.1;
  // ...

12.2 opaque types

In some cases, we wish to declare a structure in the .h but we don't want the fields of the structure to be visible on the outside. We will then use an opaque type.

For example, the library component file.h declares a structure FILE like this:

// files.h

struct FILE;   // this is an OPAQUE type because we don't specify any fields

int fopen (out FILE file, string filename);

Users of file.h won't be able to do much with type FILE, except declaring variables of that type, erase them with a clear, and pass these variables in the functions declared in file.h, like fopen(). In particular, they won't be able to take a copy of the variable.

Of course, the structure FILE will be re-declared a second time in the .c file, but this time with all fields that will be accessible only in the .c.

// file.c

struct FILE
  int      h;             // windows handle (<=0 means closed file)
  int      error;         // error code from last fill_buffer or flush_buffer
  ENCODING coding;
  bool     is_write;      // false=read, true=write
  bool     last_chunk_read;
  bool     look_ahead_encoding_full;
  wchar    look_ahead_encoding;
  bool     look_ahead_crlf_full;
  wchar    look_ahead_crlf;
  bool     unget_full;
  wchar    unget_char;
  bool     put_char_full;
  wchar    put_char;
  int      len;           // index of buffer for reading from o.s. (not used for write)
  int      ofs;           // read or write index into buffer
  byte     buffer[16*1024];

12.3 how to properly divide a program in pieces

There are always several ways of dividing a program in pieces.

A good "cut" (a good design as the pros say) is achieved when the .h files are rather small and clear and the .c files are rather large, because the more the interconnections between different parts of a program are small and well-defined, and the more the complexity is locked in the .c files and not spread in the whole program, the more the program in its entirety will be easy to understand.

You can easily divide the programming time by ten if, before starting, you write down a detailed analysis of your program on paper, then design .h files that won't change anymore (this is called "programming in the large").

if the paper analysis and the .h files are clear, it will be easy to give them to a team of programmers where each one will write one of the .c files.

If, during that phase, you notice that you need to change a .h because you're stuck, that something is missing, or there's a case you didn't foresee, then your analysis was of poor quality and you will loose time. Your analysis method must then be reviewed .. for your next program.

Chapter 13 : structures

13.1 using structures

The following example declares a structure PRODUCT. A structure is in fact a type composed of several fields of simpler types. The advantage is that by declaring a variable of type structure, you declare all fields that compose it at once.

// s1.c

from std use console;

struct PRODUCT
  int     nr;
  char[4] code;
  float   price;

void main()
  PRODUCT rice;

  rice = { nr => 1, code => "rice", price => 12.5};

  printf ("My product is : %d, %s, %f\n",, rice.code, rice.price);

which displays :

My product is : 1, rice, 12.500000

The following example declares an array of structure 'PRODUCT'.

You will notice that the syntax to access a table element is "[index]", whereas the syntax for accessing a structure element is ".field".

"product[1].price" combines both.

// s2.c

from std use console;

struct PRODUCT
  int     nr;
  char[4] code;
  float   price;

const int MAX_PRODUCTS = 3;

void main()
  int i;

  clear product;

  product[0] = {1, "rice", 12.5};
  product[1] = {2, "appl", 8.0};
  product[2] = {3, "citr", 4.05};

  for (i=0; i<product'length; i++)
    printf ("product[%d] is : %d, %s, %f\n", i, product[i].nr, product[i].code, product[i].price);

  printf ("we change the price of appl to 100 !\n");
  product[1].price = 100.0;

  for (i=0; i<product'length; i++)
    printf ("product[%d] is : %d, %s, %f\n", i, product[i].nr, product[i].code, product[i].price);

which displays :

product[0] is : 1, rice, 12.500000
product[1] is : 2, appl, 8.000000
product[2] is : 3, citr, 4.050000
we change the price of appl to 100 !
product[0] is : 1, rice, 12.500000
product[1] is : 2, appl, 100.000000
product[2] is : 3, citr, 4.050000

13.2 variant structures

The example below declares a variant structure called GEOMETRY. Indeed, you will notice in its declaration a parameter (KIND kind) as well as the keyword "switch". The effective fields of this structure depend on the value of the parameter KIND which is given at creation of the variable. When a variable of type GEOMETRY is created, its discriminant (kind) is fixed, its fields are defined, and its size is computed, and all three won't change anymore.

You could have written this program by creating 4 different structures (for circle, triangle, rectangle, point). The advantage of gathering these 4 geometric forms in the same structure is that you can pass the type GEOMETRY for example to a common display function or declare pointers to it.

When you use a field declared in the switch part the language always strictly checks that the discriminant has a value that makes this field exist.

// sp1.c

from std use console;


struct GEOMETRY (KIND kind)
  float x, y;
  switch (kind)
    case CIRCLE:
      float radius;
    case TRIANGLE:
      float base;
      float height;
    case RECTANGLE:
      float width;
      float height2;
    case POINT:
      null;    // use keyword null when there are no fields

void display (GEOMETRY g)
  printf ("type : %s\n", g.kind'string);
  printf ("position : (%f,%f)\n", g.x, g.y);
  switch (g.kind)
    case CIRCLE:
      printf ("radius = %f\n", g.radius);
    case TRIANGLE:
      printf ("base = %f, height = %f\n", g.base, g.height);
    case RECTANGLE:
      printf ("dimensions = %f x %f\n", g.width, g.height2);
  printf ("\n");

void main()
  const GEOMETRY my_circle(CIRCLE) = {x => 1.0, y => 2.0, radius => 0.5};
  const GEOMETRY my_point(POINT)   = {x => 1.0, y => 2.0};
  GEOMETRY^ my_triangle
     = new GEOMETRY(TRIANGLE) ' {x => 1.0, y => 2.0, base => 1.0, height => 3.0};
  display (my_circle);
  display (my_point);
  display (my_triangle^);
  free my_triangle;

which displays :

type : CIRCLE
position : (1.000000,2.000000)
radius = 0.500000

type : POINT
position : (1.000000,2.000000)

position : (1.000000,2.000000)
base = 1.000000, height = 3.000000

Chapter 14 : basic libraries

On the main page of the Safe-C website, you can find a complete list of all components of the standard library std.lib with their content.

We don't want to drown you, so we will just give an overview of the most used components, so that you know that they exist. If you don't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to browse the complete list on the main page of this website.

To use a component, you need to put a clause 'from std use component_name;' at the start of your program. The file of the standard library (std.lib) must be in the folder with the compiler.


  // p.c
  from std use win;
  void main()
    message_box (title => "My message box", message => "Please click on Ok", button => " Ok ");

14.1 console : display on command box

  void printf (string format, object[] arg);
  int scanf (string format, out object[] arg);

14.2 strings : char and string manipulation

  int strcpy (out string dest, string src);
  int strncpy (out string dest, string src, int len);
  int strcat (ref string dest, string src);
  int strlen (string s);
  int strcmp (string a, string b);
  int stricmp (string a, string  b);
  int strncmp (string a, string b, int maxlen);
  int strnicmp (string a, string  b, int maxlen);
  int memcmp (byte[] a, byte[] b);
  int strchr (string s, char c);
  int strrchr (string s, char c);
  int strstr (string text, string fragment);
  int stristr (string text, string fragment);
  int sprintf (out string buffer, string format, object[] arg);
  int sscanf (string buffer, string format, out object[] arg);
  int strcatf (ref string buffer, string format, object[] arg);
  char tolower (char c);
  char toupper (char c);
  bool isalpha (char c);   // A-Z a-z
  bool isdigit (char c);   // 0-9
  bool isxdigit (char c);  // 0-9 A-F a-f

  int wstrcpy (out wstring dest, wstring src);
  int wstrncpy (out wstring dest, wstring src, int len);
  int wstrcat (ref wstring dest, wstring src);
  int wstrlen (wstring s);
  int wstrcmp (wstring a, wstring b);
  int wstricmp (wstring a, wstring  b);
  int wstrncmp (wstring a, wstring b, int maxlen);
  int wstrnicmp (wstring a, wstring  b, int maxlen);
  int wstrchr (wstring s, wchar c);
  int wstrrchr (wstring s, wchar c);
  int wstrstr (wstring text, wstring fragment);
  int wstristr (wstring text, wstring fragment);
  int wsprintf (out wstring buffer, wstring format, object[] arg);
  int wsscanf (wstring buffer, wstring format, out object[] arg);
  int wstrcatf (ref wstring buffer, wstring format, object[] arg);
  wchar wtolower (wchar c);
  wchar wtoupper (wchar c);
  bool wisalpha (wchar c);   // A-Z a-z
  bool wisdigit (wchar c);   // 0-9
  bool wisxdigit (wchar c);  // 0-9 A-F a-f

14.3 calendar : calender

  struct DATE_TIME;
  void get_datetime (out DATE_TIME datetime);
  int max_days_in_month (int month, int year);
  bool is_valid_date (int day, int month, int year);
  int day_of_week (int day, int month, int year);
  int nb_days_since_1901 (int day, int month, int year);
  void add_days (ref DATE_TIME date, int nb_days);
  void add_seconds (ref DATE_TIME date, long nb_secs);
  int get_time_zone ();

14.4 math : math functions

  // basic functions
  double fabs  (double x);   // absolute value
  double sqrt  (double x);   // square root, with x >= 0.
  double round (double x);   // rounds to nearest integer
  double ceil  (double x);   // rounds up
  double floor (double x);   // rounds down
  double fmin (double a, double b);             // minimum
  double fmax (double a, double b);             // maximum
  double fmin3 (double a, double b, double c);  // minimum of 3 values
  double fmax3 (double a, double b, double c);  // maximum of 3 values

  // trigonometric functions
  const double PI = 3.141592653589793238;
  double pi();        // pi in internal 66-bit precision
  double sin (double x);
  double cos (double x);
  double tan (double x);     // same as sin(x)/cos(x), with cos(x) != 0.
  double asin (double x);    // with x in [-1..+1]
  double acos (double x);    // with x in [-1..+1]
  double atan (double x);
  double atan2 (double y, double x);   // valid for all values of x and y.

  // exponential, logarithm and power functions
  double exp   (double x);   // e exponent x
  double ln    (double x);   // log e, with x > 0
  double log2  (double x);   // log 2, with x > 0
  double log10 (double x);   // log 10, with x > 0
  double pow (double base, double exponent);      // base to the power of exponent

  // hyperbolic functions
  double sinh (double x);
  double cosh (double x);
  double tanh (double x);
  double asinh (double x);
  double acosh (double x);
  double atanh (double x);
  // infinite test
  bool isINF (double x);

14.5 arithm : simple arithmetic

  int abs (int a);          // valeur absolue
  int min (int a, int b);   // minimum
  int max (int a, int b);   // maximum
  int min3 (int a, int b, int c);
  int max3 (int a, int b, int c);
  uint umin (uint a, uint b);
  uint umax (uint a, uint b);
  uint umin3 (uint a, uint b, uint c);
  uint umax3 (uint a, uint b, uint c);
  long labs (long a);
  long lmin (long a, long b);
  long lmax (long a, long b);
  long lmin3 (long a, long b, long c);
  long lmax3 (long a, long b, long c);
  int  ilog2 (int a);    // logarithme base 2, a > 0
  uint ulog2 (uint a);   // logarithme base 2, a > 0

14.6 random : generation of random numbers

  int rnd (int first, int last);  // nombre au hasard entre first et last
  void get_random_number (out byte[] value);

14.7 exception : exception treatment

  // see chapter 6 : crashs and tracing
  void arm_exception_handler (bool create_crash_report_file        = true,
                              bool display_fatal_error_message_box = true);

14.8 tracing : trace file

  // see chapter 6 : crashs and tracing
  void open_trace (string filename,    // for example "trace.tra"
                   long   max_file_size = 64*1024*1024,  // default is 64 MB
                   bool   date = true,
                   bool   time = true,
                   bool   msec = false);
  void trace (string format, object[] arg);
  void trace_block (byte[] block);
  void close_trace ();

14.9 sorting : array sorting

  // see chapter 5 : arrays
  package HeapSort
  package QuickSort
  package BubbleSort

14.10 files : text and binary files, folders, disk.

  // Text Files : functions for reading or writing buffered text files.
  struct FILE;  // the same FILE must not be used by several threads at the same time.
  int fopen (out FILE file, string filename);
  int fcreate (out FILE file, string filename, ENCODING encoding);
  int fappend (out FILE file, string filename, ENCODING encoding);
  const int FEOF = +1;  // return value that indicates end of file
  int fgetc (ref FILE file, out char c);
  int wfgetc (ref FILE file, out wchar c);
  int fputc (ref FILE file, char c);
  int wfputc (ref FILE file, wchar c);
  int fgets (ref FILE file, out string buffer);
  int wfgets (ref FILE file, out wstring buffer);
  int fputs (ref FILE file, string buffer);
  int wfputs (ref FILE file, wstring buffer);
  int fscanf (ref FILE file, string format, out object[] arg);
  int wfscanf (ref FILE file, wstring format, out object[] arg);
  int fprintf (ref FILE file, string format, object[] arg);
  int wfprintf (ref FILE file, wstring format, object[] arg);
  bool feof (ref FILE file);
  int fflush (ref FILE file);
  int fclose (ref FILE file);
  int fhandle (ref FILE file);

  // Binary Files : functions that operate on low-level binary files.
  int create (string filename, uint access = WRITE, uint share = READ, ORGANIZATION organization = UNDEFINED);
  int open (string filename, uint access = READ, uint share = READ, ORGANIZATION organization = UNDEFINED);
  int read (int handle, out byte[] buffer);
  int write (int handle, byte[] buffer);
  long lseek (int handle, long offset, SEEK_MODE mode = SEEK_SET);
  long filesize (int handle);
  void get_ftime (int handle, out calendar.DATE_TIME time);   // get last write time.
  void set_ftime (int handle, calendar.DATE_TIME time);       // set create, last access, last write time.
  int lock_file   (int handle, LOCK lock, long offset, long nb_bytes);
  int unlock_file (int handle, LOCK lock, long offset, long nb_bytes);
  int flush (int handle);
  int close (int handle);

  int move_file (string source, string target);
  int copy_file (string source, string target, bool overwrite = true);
  int delete_file (string filename);

  void split_pathname (    string pathname,
                       out string device,
                       out string directory,  // starts with / or \ if absolute path
                       out string filename);   // does not contain any / or \
  int expand_pathname (    string current_directory,
                           string source_filename,
                       out string result_filename);
  void normalize_pathname (ref string pathname);

  bool name_matches_pattern (string name,
                             string pattern,
                             char   replace_one  = '?',
                             char   replace_many = '*');

  int select_filename (    string  dialog_title,
                           string  mask,
                           bool    saving,     // false=load, true=save
                       out char    filename[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH],
                           string  default_filename = "",
                           uint    hwnd = 0);  // parent window handle

  // Directories
  struct FILE_INFO;
  int open_directory (out FILE_INFO info, string directory_name);
  int read_directory (ref FILE_INFO info);
  int close_directory (ref FILE_INFO info);
  int create_directory (string directory_name);
  int remove_directory (string directory_name);
  void get_current_directory (out char directory_name[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]);
  int set_current_directory (string directory_name);

  // Disk Volumes
  long free_disk_space (string directory_name);   // any directory on the disk

14.11 image : compression and decompression (jpg, gif, png, ..), image treatment

  // Part 1 : image compresssion/decompression
  struct IMAGE;
  int create_image (out IMAGE image, string filename, uint width, uint height, IMAGE_CREATION_PARAMETERS parameters);
  int open_image (out IMAGE image, string filename);
  void get_image_size (    IMAGE image, out uint  width, out uint  height);
  void get_image_attributes (IMAGE image, out IMAGE_ATTRIBUTES attr);
  void set_image_options (IMAGE image, IMAGE_OPTIONS opt);
  int read_image (IMAGE image, out byte[] buffer);
  int next_image (IMAGE image);
  int write_image (IMAGE image, byte[] buffer);
  void multiply_rgb_by_alpha (ref byte[] buffer);
  int close_image (ref IMAGE image);

  // Part 2 : RGBA bitmap manipulations
  int load_image (out IMAGE_INFO info, string filename);

  int save_image (IMAGE_INFO                info,
                  string                    filename, /* output file */
                  IMAGE_CREATION_PARAMETERS param);   /* output parameters */

  void free_image (ref IMAGE_INFO info);

  int copy_image (IMAGE_INFO source, out IMAGE_INFO target);

  int bestfit_size (ref IMAGE_INFO info,
                    ref uint       width,      /* in out ! */
                    ref uint       height);    /* in out ! */

  int resize_image (ref IMAGE_INFO info,
                        uint       width,
                        uint       height,
                        uint       border_color = 0xFF000000);  // opaque black

  int resize_image2 (    IMAGE_INFO info,
                         uint       width,
                         uint       height,
                         uint       border_color = 0xFF000000,  // opaque black
                     out IMAGE_INFO result);

  int zoom_image
       (    IMAGE_INFO source,       /* source image */

            uint       click_x,      /* zoom x-center on screen */
            uint       click_y,      /* zoom y-center on screen */
            int        zoom,         /* in percent (100 .. 6_500_000) */
                                     /* use 100 for first call of new image ! */
            uint       width,        /* target screen width  */
            uint       height,       /* target screen height */
        ref CLIP_INFO  source_clip,  /* clear for first call, value must be kept between calls */
        ref CLIP_INFO  target_clip,  /* clear for first call, value must be kept between calls */
            uint       border_color, /* =0 */
        out IMAGE_INFO target);      /* result image for screen */

  int rotate_image (ref IMAGE_INFO info,
                        int        angle,
                        uint       border_color = 0xFF000000);  // opaque black

  int rotate_image2 (    IMAGE_INFO info,
                         int        angle,
                         uint       border_color = 0xFF000000,  // opaque black
                     out IMAGE_INFO result);

  int copy_image_rectangle (    IMAGE_INFO source_image,
                                CLIP_INFO  source_clip,
                            out IMAGE_INFO target_image);

  int compute_bestfit_target_clip (    CLIP_INFO source_clip,
                                       CLIP_INFO target_clip,
                                   out CLIP_INFO bestfit_target_clip);

  void reverse_clip_coordinates (    uint      x,
                                     uint      y,
                                     CLIP_INFO source_clip,
                                     CLIP_INFO target_clip,
                                 out uint      out_x,
                                 out uint      out_y);

  int compute_zoom_clip_info
          (    uint      center_x,      /* within source                 */
               uint      center_y,      /* within source                 */
               int       zoom_factor,   /* in percent (100 .. 6_500_000) */
           ref CLIP_INFO source_clip,   /* in out                        */
           ref CLIP_INFO target_clip);  /* in out                        */

  int stretch_image (IMAGE_INFO source,
                     CLIP_INFO  source_clip,
                     IMAGE_INFO target,
                     CLIP_INFO  target_clip);

14.12 draw : drawing in a memory buffer (line, circle, text, image)

  struct DRAW_CONTEXT;
  void init_draw (out DRAW_CONTEXT dc,
                      byte[]^      buffer,     /* -> (4*width*height) bytes */
                      uint         width,
                      uint         height);
  void draw_line (ref DRAW_CONTEXT dc,
                      int          x1,
                      int          y1,
                      int          x2,
                      int          y2,
                      uint         color,    /* = rgb(red,green,blue) */
                      int          thick);   /* >= 1                  */
  void draw_circle (ref DRAW_CONTEXT dc,
                        int          x,
                        int          y,
                        int          radius,
                        uint         color,
                        int          thick);
  void draw_solid_circle (ref DRAW_CONTEXT dc,
                              int          x,
                              int          y,
                              int          radius,
                              uint         color);
  int draw_text (ref DRAW_CONTEXT  dc,
                     string        text,           /* string to display */
                     string        font_name,      /* ex: "Times New Roman" */
                     int           font_height,    /* ex: 12 */
                     int           x,              /* lower left corner */
                     int           y,
                     uint          color,
                     uint          style);         /* = 0 */

  int draw_wtext (ref DRAW_CONTEXT  dc,
                     wstring       text,           /* string to display */
                     string        font_name,      /* ex: "Times New Roman" */
                     int           font_height,    /* ex: 12 */
                     int           x,              /* lower left corner */
                     int           y,
                     uint          color,
                     uint          style);         /* = 0 */
  void draw_image (ref DRAW_CONTEXT  dc,
                       int           x,            /* target (upper-left corner) */
                       int           y,
                       byte[]        image,
                       uint          width,
                       uint          height,
                       uint          clip_x,       /* =0 for all image */
                       uint          clip_y,       /* =0 for all image */
                       uint          clip_size_x,  /* =width for all image */
                       uint          clip_size_y,  /* =height for all image */
                       uint          flags = 0);
  void set_draw_origin (ref DRAW_CONTEXT dc,
                            int          ox,
                            int          oy,
                            int          dx,   /* direction of x-axis */
                            int          dy);  /* direction of y-axis */
  void set_draw_clip (ref DRAW_CONTEXT dc,
                          int          min_x,
                          int          min_y,
                          int          max_x,
                          int          max_y);

14.13 win : display of window, button, listbox, ..

  void message_box (string title, string message, string button);
  void create_screen (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, string title);
  void set_screen_title (string title);
  void close_screen ();
  void create_text (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, OBJECT_ID id);
  void text_put (string text, OBJECT_ID id);
  void create_edit (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, int length, OBJECT_ID id);
  void edit_get (out string buffer, OBJECT_ID id);
  void create_checkbox (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size,
                        int box_width, string text, OBJECT_ID id);
  void checkbox_get (out bool setting, OBJECT_ID id);
  void create_listbox (int x, int y,        int x_size, int y_size,
                       int arrow_box_width, int arrow_box_height,
                       int length,          OBJECT_ID id);
  void listbox_insert (int       index,    // 0 = append to end
                       string    text,
                       OBJECT_ID id);
  void create_button (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, string text, OBJECT_ID id);
  void get_event (out EVENT event);
  // ....


  // p.c
  from std use win;
  void main()
    int left, top, right, bottom;
    bool quit = false;
    get_screen_borders (out left, out top, out right, out bottom);
    create_screen (x => 100, y => 100, x_size => left+right+300, y_size => top+bottom+200, title => "Test");
    create_button (x => 100, y => 100, x_size => 100, y_size => 30, text => "Click me", id => 10);
    while (!quit)
      EVENT event;
      get_event (out event);
      switch (event.typ)
          switch (
            case 10:
              message_box (title => "My message box", message => "Thank you for your click !", button => " Ok ");
              quit = true;
    close_screen ();

The utility makelib.exe can be used to create your own library files, as follows : copy your .h and .c files in a folder (for example in C:\LIB) and type makelib mylib C:\LIB\. A file mylib.lib will then be created, add it in the folder with the other compiler files.

Import it into your program with from mylib use your_component; where your_component corresponds to the name of your .h file.

In rare cases, it's possible that two components from different libraries carry the same name. It is then possible to import one of them while renaming it with an as clause :

  from std use math;
  from mylib use math as math2;

Chapter 15 : packages and generic packages

15.1 packages

A package is an envelope used to group a series of declarations.

Note the keywords package to declare a package and end to end it.


  package Stack
    const int MAX = 1000;
    void push (int i);
    int pop ();
  end Stack;

In the example above, as the package contains function declarations, we must also declare a package body that will contain the bodies of the corresponding functions.

Note the keywords package body to declare a package body.

  package body Stack

    int table[MAX];
    int index = 0;

    public void push (int i)
      table[index++] = i;

    public int pop ()
      return table[--index];
  end Stack;

All declarations inside the package are accessible from the outside. On the other hand declarations inside the package body are private and non-accessible from the outside.

You can declare packages in .h or .c files, the optional package bodies are only allowed in .c files.

Note that you can nest packages.

A package body is mandatory if the package contains incomplete declarations like opaque types or function declarations.

Here is a full example for a package Stacks that can be used to stack values :

  from std use console;

  package Stacks
    struct STACK;      // an opaque type
    void push (ref STACK s, int i);
    int pop (ref STACK s);
  end Stacks;

  package body Stacks
    const int MAX = 1000;

    struct STACK
      int table[MAX];
      int index;

    public void push (ref STACK s, int i)
      s.table[s.index++] = i;

    public int pop (ref STACK s)
      return s.table[--s.index];

  end Stacks;

  void main()
    STACK s;

    clear s;
    push (ref s, 12);
    printf ("%d\n", pop(ref s));

This example can also be split in 3 different files :

  // stacks.h

  package Stacks

    struct STACK;      // an opaque type

    void push (ref STACK s, int i);
    int pop (ref STACK s);

  end Stacks;

  // stacks.c

  package body Stacks

    const int MAX = 1000;

    struct STACK
      int table[MAX];
      int index;

    public void push (ref STACK s, int i)
      s.table[s.index++] = i;

    public int pop (ref STACK s)
      return s.table[--s.index];

  end Stacks;

  // prog.c

  from std use console;
  use stacks;

  void main()
    STACK s;

    clear s;
    push (ref s, 12);
    printf ("%d\n", pop(ref s));

Note that you can put several packages in the same source file. In that case, it is possible that name ambiguities arise that can be solved by prefixing the package name, like in this example :

  package A
    const int MAX = 100;
  end A;

  package B
    const int MAX = 200;
  end B;

  void main()
    int i;

    i = MAX;    // ERROR: MAX is ambiguous as it is declared twice
    i = A.MAX;  // OK (we prefixed the package name)
    i = B.MAX;  // OK

15.2 generic packages

The purpose of a generic package is to do a copy/paste of program lines. Each copy will be slightly different because the generic package will have various type and function parameters that you can provide during the copy.

Here is an exemple of a generic package BubbleSort that can sort any array. The generic package will have two parameters :

. first, a type "ELEMENT" that can be replaced by any type. It is the type of elements of the array to be sorted.

. second, a function "compare" that takes two ELEMENT and returns an int. This function enables the package to know the order of two elements.

Inside the package "BubbleSort" there is only a function "sort" that treats a parameter of type array of ELEMENT by using the two provided parameters.

  // bubble.h
  generic <ELEMENT>                      // generic type ELEMENT
    int compare (ELEMENT a, ELEMENT b);  // return -1 if a<b, 0 if a==b, +1 if a>b
  package BubbleSort
    void sort (ref ELEMENT table[]);
  end BubbleSort;

Here is the package body. You see that it uses ELEMENT and compare.

  // bubble.c

  package body BubbleSort
    public void sort (ref ELEMENT table[])
      int     i, j;
      ELEMENT temp;

      for (i=1; i<table'length; i++)
        for (j=i; j>0; j--)
          if (compare (table[j-1], table[j]) <= 0)

          temp       = table[j-1];
          table[j-1] = table[j];
          table[j]   = temp;
  end BubbleSort;

How to use the generic package ? To do a copy/paste (this is called "instantiation" by pros), we use the following syntax that will create a copy of the package BubbleSort by replacing the two parameters. The package after copy will be called "Sort_int" because it sorts an array of "int".

  package Sort_int = new BubbleSort (ELEMENT => int,
                                     compare => compare_int);

But where does the function compare_int come from ? well you have to write it yourself because the sorting package does not know your type so it does not know how to compare two elements.

Here is the complete instantiation example :

  // p.c
  use bubble;
  int compare_int (int a, int b)
    if (a < b) return -1;
    if (a > b) return +1;
    return 0;

  package Sort_int = new BubbleSort (ELEMENT => int,
                                     compare => compare_int);

  void main()
    int table[5] = {2, 19, 3, 9, 4};

    sort (ref table);    // to be written Sort_int.sort if ambiguus

You see that generic packages are a bit complicated to use. They are however unavoidable to be able to write general sorting and other data structure manipulation algorithms with maximal execution speed and full memory access security.

The only way to avoid them would be to copy/paste program lines manually by adapting it for each type, which is not very advisable.

Chapter 16 : files, byte arrays and type object

16.1 files and byte arrays

The standard library component files provides low-level file access.

If you examine the functions that read and write files, you will notice that they accept only parameters of type "array of byte" :

int read (int handle, out byte[] buffer);
int write (int handle, byte[] buffer);

How can we then write for example an int, a float, a structure in a file ?

Well it's easy because in Safe-C, almost all types are automatically convertible to byte arrays. So you can write this :

from std use files, strings;

void main()
  int   fd;
  float f;
  char  buffer[80];
  bool  b;
  fd = create ("");
  f = 3.14;
  write (fd, f);        // <-- automatic conversion float to byte[]
  strcpy (out buffer, "Hello");
  write (fd, buffer);   // <-- automatic conversion char[] to byte[]

  b = true;
  write (fd, b);        // <-- automatic conversion bool to byte[]
  close (fd);

Which types are not convertible to byte arrays ?

Structures, first, are convertible only if their declaration is preceded by the keyword packed which indicates that they have no alignment gaps between their fields.

Here is how to write a struct in a file :

from std use files;

void main()
  int   fd;
  packed struct REC    // <--- mandatory keyword "packed" !
    char  name[4];
    float f;
    bool  b;
  REC rec;
  fd = create ("");
  rec = {"ABCD", 1.234, true};
  write (fd, rec);        // <-- automatic conversion REC to byte[]
  close (fd);

Obviously, when you prefix the keyword packed to a structure, it can only contain simple or packed fields.

Furthermore, the structure must not contain pointer types. You must remember that packed and pointers don't mix. There is no reason to write pointers on disk, and it's even dangerous to read some because they probably aren't valid anymore. For this reason, standard libraries do not allow to read or write pointer values on disk, network, or any other input/output (note that it's still possible to do it using unsafe code).

The attribute 'size can operate on all packed types and is used to compute the number of bytes of a type. Note that 'size returns an uint (unsigned integer) that you will possibly have to convert into int.

In this example we will check that read() reads the correct number of bytes. The same check should be done during a write() in the above examples, we didn't do it for clarity.

from std use console, files;

void main()
  int fd;
  packed struct REC
    char  name[4];
    float f;
    bool  b;
  REC rec;
  fd = open ("");
  if (read (fd, out rec) != (int)rec'size)   // <-- attribute size
    printf ("error: cannot read file\n");
    close (fd);
  close (fd);

The attribute 'byte is used to convert any packed type to a byte array. It is therefore easy to copy, for example, the 4 bytes of a float to the 4 bytes of an int :

  float f = 1.2;
  int   i;
  i'byte = f'byte;

or even to copy the two last bytes of a float to a 2-byte array :

  float f = 1.2;
  byte  b[2];
  b = f'byte[2:2];

16.2 type object

In Safe-C, the type object is predefined as byte array. So, everywhere you write "byte [ ]" you could also write "object".

For clarity reasons we mostly use type 'object' in the declaration of functions with a varying number of parameters. For example, printf is defined as :

  void printf (string format, object[] arg);

Safe-C applies the following rule : if the last parameter of a function has type "object [ ]", then the function accepts a variable number of parameters that must all be packed, thus convertible to array bytes.

Inside the function, these parameters are received as a table of byte arrays.


  from std use console;
  void affichage (int test, object[] par)
    int i, j;
    printf ("\n");
    printf ("test %d\n", test);
    for (i=0; i<par'length; i++)
      printf ("parametre %d : ", i+1);
      for (j=0; j<par[i]'length; j++)
        printf ("%u ", par[i][j]);
      printf ("\n");
  void main()
    affichage (1);
    affichage (2, 1.1275);
    affichage (3, (double)1.1275);
    affichage (4, "ABCD", 'G', 1.1275);
    affichage (5, (tiny)3);
    affichage (6, 3);
    affichage (7, 3L);
    affichage (8, L"Hello");

will display :

test 1

test 2
parametre 1 : 236 81 144 63

test 3
parametre 1 : 10 215 163 112 61 10 242 63

test 4
parametre 1 : 65 66 67 68
parametre 2 : 71
parametre 3 : 236 81 144 63

test 5
parametre 1 : 3

test 6
parametre 1 : 3 0 0 0

test 7
parametre 1 : 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

test 8
parametre 1 : 72 0 101 0 108 0 108 0 111 0

Chapter 17 : pointers and unsafe pointers

17.1 pointers

In all examples of the previous chapters, each variable carries a name, each array variable has a constant size, and each variable exists either for the whole program duration or as long as the function wherein it is declared is active.

Pointers are used to overcome these limitations and allow creating anonymous variables, arrays of variable size, and variables where you control precisely the lifetime.

Example p1.c shows the declaration of a variable p which is a pointer to an array of int (notation int[ ]^, read right to left).

Thanks to the allocator 'new', we allocate memory for an anonymous array of int of "count" elements, and we save in the pointer p the memory address that allows access to this array.

To access our anonymous array, we use the notation p^[i]. We start from the pointer "p", the symbol "^" follows the pointer to access the array, and finally "[i]" gives access to the wished array element. The result is then an int variable.

Notation "p^'length" is used to determine the number of elements of the array. It's simply the attribut 'length applied to the array p^.

When you don't need the array anymore, you must not forget to free its memory with the instruction free, otherwise you would end consuming all the available memory.

// p1.c

from std use console, math;

void main()
  int    count, i;
  int[]^ p;

  printf ("Please enter the number of elements : ");
  scanf (" %d", out count);

  p = new int[count];

  for (i=0; i<p^'length; i++)
    p^[i] = (int)(100.0*sin(100.0 * (float)i / 180.0 * PI));

  for (i=0; i<p^'length; i++)
    printf ("p^[%d] = %d\n", i, p^[i]);

  free p;

Please enter the number of elements : 10
p^[0] = 0
p^[1] = 98
p^[2] = -34
p^[3] = -86
p^[4] = 64
p^[5] = 64
p^[6] = -86
p^[7] = -34
p^[8] = 98
p^[9] = 0

Example p2.c declares a structure NODE composed of an int and a pointer to NODE itself. We can use this to create a chain of linked variables NODE that all point to the next node, the last node pointing to null.

The constant value "null" is used to indicate that we point to nothing at all.

Note that with a single variable "p", we can access the whole list of anonymous variables chained together by pointers. We can walk on this chain, node after node, to display all nodes (with display), or to free them (with free_list).

// p2.c

from std use console;

struct NODE
  int   n;
  NODE^ next;

void display (NODE^ ptr)
  NODE^ p = ptr;
  while (p != null)
    printf ("%d ", p^.n);
    p = p^.next;

void free_list (NODE^ ptr)
  NODE^ p = ptr;
  NODE^ q;
  while (p != null)
    q = p;
    p = p^.next;
    free q;

void main()
  NODE^ p;

  p = new NODE ' {17, null};
  p = new NODE ' {12, p};
  p = new NODE ' {8, p};
  p = new NODE ' {3, p};

  display (p);
  free_list (p);

which displays :

3 8 12 17

The allocator "new" can be enhanced by an initial value for the created anonymous variable. We can use, either the apostrophe and aggregate notation if we want to specify all fields :

  NODE^ p;
  p = new NODE ' {17, null};

or the apostrophe and parenthesis notation for a value of same type as the created node :

  NODE n;
  p = new NODE ' (n);

If you don't specify any initial value, the anonymous variable will be cleared to zeroes :

  p = new NODE;

Sometimes you wish to declare several structures where the pointer fields reference each other. You need then to pre-declare one of the structures as an "incomplete" type, before re-declaring it a second time below, completely this time.

  typedef NODE2;   // incomplete type

  struct NODE1
    int    count;
    NODE1^ up;
    NODE2^ gauche, droite; // uses the incomplete type

  struct NODE2     // complete redeclaration
    int    count;
    NODE1^ gauche, droite;

17.2 unsafe pointers

To be able to write standard libraries that call the operating system, you need sometimes to use C's old unsafe pointers.

To mark clearly this dangerous use, Safe-C does not allow the use of unsafe pointers outside an unsafe section.

Example, the function read() of files.c :

  #begin unsafe

  [extern "KERNEL32.DLL"]
  int ReadFile (
    int   hFile,
    byte  *buffer,
    uint  size,
    int   *BytesRead,
    byte  *lpOverlapped);

  // returns nb of bytes read (>=0), or a negative error code.
  public int read (int handle, out byte[] buffer)
    int read;
    if (ReadFile (handle, &buffer, buffer'size, &read, null) != 0)
      return read;
    return -GetLastError();
  #end unsafe

In an unsafe section (between #begin unsafe and #end unsafe), you can use C's pointers with its operators (cast), & * -> ++ -- != == < > <= >=.

You can declare functions that exist in external DLL's or declare callback functions that Windows can call.

  #begin unsafe
  int MainWin (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WORD w, LONG l)
    return 0;
  #end unsafe

Furthermore, unsafe pointers are considered as packed types thus convertible to byte arrays.

The constant null indicates the pointer value zero.

Chapter 18 : add resources

18.1 what are resources ?

Resources are files added to a windows executable. They can contain for example :

18.2 how to create resources ?

To create icons, use tools provided by Microsoft.

A small tool extract.exe is provided with this compiler to extract all resources of a Windows EXE file. Once extracted, you can add them to your executable. The tool extract.exe will create a file corresponding to each resource, and it will display on the console the definition text of the resources. All you have to do is create an .RC file with notepad having the same name as your .EXE and add in it the definition text, and to put all files in the current directory, so that the resources be added to your .EXE when you compile your program.

18.3 What's a manifest ?

Starting with the Vista version of Windows, some program names (for example those containing the word 'install') are automatically started in administrator mode (the user must provide a password).

To avoid this, you can add a manifest to the program. Here's the manifest.

You just have to create a .RC file and to add the following line :

1 24 manifest.txt

If you did everything correctly, your program won't ask for a password anymore when started.


Here's another manifeste2 that combines :
1) not starting as Administrator, and
2) include the standard Windows controls (listbox, edit, ..).

Annex A : create an internet server

A.1 A simple internet server

Here's a model to create a very simple internet server :

// iserv1.c : internet server

from std use strings, tcpip, http, tracing, exception;




void handler (ref HANDLER_DATA p)
  handle_http_call (ref p, iserv, ref init);


void main()
  int rc;


  open_trace ("iserv1.tra");

  // init internet server

  strcpy (out iserv.html_directory, "c:/www/");
  strcpy (out iserv.start_url, "/home.html");
  iserv.tracing = true;

  // start server

  trace ("============================================\n");
  trace ("info: server starting.\n");

  rc = serve_requests (port            => 80,
                       request_handler => handler,
                       max_handlers    => 512,
                       mode            => MODE_DUAL,
                       stop            => null,
                       server_is_ready => null,
                       incoming_call   => null,
                       trace_calls     => true);

  trace ("info: server stopping. rc=%d\n", rc);
  trace ("============================================\n");

To test this program, create first a folder C:\WWW and put some html files in it (for example mapage.html).

Start then the server, then start Internet Explorer and type Your page should then display.

Note that you can also type http://[::1]/mapage.html because the server supports IPV6.

The server creates a trace file (iserv1.tra) that you can open with notepad to see the server's actions.

A.2 Virtual pages

Here's how to create virtual pages, meaning pages that don't exist on the harddisk but that you have to create dynamically.

// iserv2.c : internet server

from std use strings, tcpip, http, tracing, exception;



const uint WRITE_TIMEOUT = 30;  // write timeout : 30 secs


bool is_virtual_page (int        nr,
                      TCP_CLIENT tcp_client,
                      string     url,      // virtual url
                      ARG_INFO   args)     // http arguments
  _unused nr;          // suppresses warning that nr is unused
  _unused tcp_client;

  trace ("is_virtual_page (%s)\n", url);
  return !get_http_physical_file_exists (args);


void handle_virtual_page (int            nr,
                          ref TCP_CLIENT tcp_client,
                          string         url,      // virtual url
                          ARG_INFO       args)     // http arguments
  char str[1000];
  _unused nr;
  _unused args;

  trace ("handle_virtual_page (%s)\n", url);

  sprintf (out str, "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>MY TITLE</TITLE></HEAD>\r\n");
  strcat (ref str, "<BODY>");
  strcat (ref str, "Bonjour! Cette page est virtuelle !<br>");
  strcat (ref str, "</BODY></HTML>");

  CS_write (ref tcp_client, str[0:strlen(str)], WRITE_TIMEOUT);


void handler (ref HANDLER_DATA p)
  handle_http_call (ref p, iserv, ref init);


void main()
  int rc;


  open_trace ("iserv2.tra");

  // init internet server

  strcpy (out iserv.html_directory, "c:/www/");
  strcpy (out iserv.start_url, "/home.html");
  iserv.is_virtual_page     = is_virtual_page;
  iserv.handle_virtual_page = handle_virtual_page;
  iserv.tracing             = true;

  // start server

  trace ("============================================\n");
  trace ("info: server starting.\n");

  rc = serve_requests (port            => 80,
                       request_handler => handler,
                       max_handlers    => 512,
                       mode            => MODE_DUAL,
                       stop            => null,
                       server_is_ready => null,
                       incoming_call   => null,
                       trace_calls     => true);

  trace ("info: server stopping. rc=%d\n", rc);
  trace ("============================================\n");

Two functions were added :

is_virtual_page() :

here the server gives you an url and ask if it must create a virtual page. We check using get_http_physical_file_exists() whether the page exist on the harddisk, and if it's not the case the function tells the server to call handle_virtual_page() to create a virtual page.

handle_virtual_page() :

here the server gives you an url and asks you to create a virtual page and to send its content using one or several CS_write().

A.3 Parameters and forms

Here's an example that shows how to query parameters of an http request (for example the navigator's name) and also to receive a form's fields :

// iserv3.c : internet server

from std use calendar, files, strings, tcpip, http, tracing, exception;



const uint WRITE_TIMEOUT = 30;  // write timeout : 30 secs


bool is_virtual_page (int        nr,
                      TCP_CLIENT tcp_client,
                      string     url,      // virtual url
                      ARG_INFO   args)     // http arguments
  _unused nr;          // suppresses warning that nr is unused
  _unused tcp_client;
  _unused url;

  return !get_http_physical_file_exists (args);


void entete_html (out string str, string titre)
  sprintf (out str, "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>");
  strcatf (ref str, "%s", titre);
  strcat  (ref str, "</TITLE></HEAD>\r\n");


void fin_html (ref string str)
  strcat (ref str, "</BODY></HTML>");


void page_home (ref TCP_CLIENT tcp_client, ARG_INFO args)
  char str[1000], browser[4096];

  entete_html (out str, titre => "home");

  strcat (ref str, "<BODY>");
  strcat (ref str, "Bonjour !<br><br>");
  strcat (ref str, "Bienvenue sur mon nouveau serveur développé en Safe-C ");
  strcat (ref str, "(le meilleur langage bien sûr)<br><br>");

  strcat (ref str, "Ah I can see your Navigateur is : ");

  get_http_parameter (args, "User-Agent", out browser);

  strcatf (ref str, "%s", browser);

  strcat (ref str, "<br><br>");

  strcat (ref str, "<a href=page1.html> PAGE 1 </a>");
  strcat (ref str, "<br><br>");
  strcat (ref str, "<a href=page2.html> PAGE 2  (laisser un message)  </a>");

  fin_html (ref str);

  CS_write (ref tcp_client, str[0:strlen(str)], WRITE_TIMEOUT);


void page_1 (ref TCP_CLIENT tcp_client)
  char str[1000];

  entete_html (out str, titre => "page 1");

  strcat (ref str, "<BODY>");
  strcat (ref str, "Youpi !   Nous sommes sur la page 1 !<br><br>");

  strcat (ref str, "<br><br>");
  strcat (ref str, "<a href=home.html> HOME (revenir) </a>");

  fin_html (ref str);

  CS_write (ref tcp_client, str[0:strlen(str)], WRITE_TIMEOUT);


void page_2 (ref TCP_CLIENT tcp_client)
  char str[2000];

  entete_html (out str, titre => "page 2");

  strcat (ref str, "<BODY>");
  strcat (ref str, "Ah, here you will be able to leave me a message");
  strcat (ref str, " to say what you think about my server ...<br><br>");

  strcat (ref str, "<BODY>");
  strcat (ref str, "All messages will be stored in the file courier.txt on the server !<br><br>");

  strcat (ref str, "<FORM Method=POST Action=/postez.html>"
                   + "<INPUT Type=text Name=PAR1 Size=200 MaxLength=200 Value=''>"
                   + "<INPUT Type=submit Value=' POSTEZ! '>"
                   + "</FORM>");

  fin_html (ref str);

  CS_write (ref tcp_client, str[0:strlen(str)], WRITE_TIMEOUT);


void handle_virtual_page (int            nr,
                          ref TCP_CLIENT tcp_client,
                          string         url,      // virtual url
                          ARG_INFO       args)     // http arguments
  _unused nr;

  if (strcmp (url, "/home.html") == 0)
    page_home (ref tcp_client, args);
  else if (strcmp (url, "/page1.html") == 0)
    page_1 (ref tcp_client);
  else if (strcmp (url, "/page2.html") == 0)
    page_2 (ref tcp_client);


void postez (ref TCP_CLIENT tcp_client, ARG_INFO args)
  char str[1000];
  char par1[240], par2[1000];

  entete_html (out str, titre => "postez");

  strcat (ref str, "<BODY> Nous avons bien reçu votre commentaire : <br><br>");

  get_post_parameter (args, "PAR1", out par1);

  // write into a file
    FILE          file;
    PEER          info;
    char[40]      ipstr;
    DATE_TIME     now;

    TCP_query_remote_address (tcp_client, out info);
    ip_to_numericstr (info.ip, out ipstr);
    get_datetime (out now);

    if (fappend (out file, "courier.txt", UTF8) == 0)
      fprintf (ref file, "-------------------------------------------------------\n");
      fprintf (ref file, "Comment received from %s:%u on %02d/%02d/%04d :\n",
               ipstr, info.port,, now.month, now.year);
      fprintf (ref file, "%s\n", par1);
      fprintf (ref file, "-------------------------------------------------------\n");
      fclose (ref file);

  // convert posted text to avoid hacking
  expand_html (par1, out par2);
  strcat (ref str, par2);

  strcat (ref str, "<br><br>");
  strcat (ref str, "<a href=home.html> HOME (revenir) </a>");

  fin_html (ref str);

  CS_write (ref tcp_client, str[0:strlen(str)], WRITE_TIMEOUT);


void handle_post_request (int            nr,
                          ref TCP_CLIENT tcp_client,
                          string         url,      // virtual url, ex: "/getlist"
                          ARG_INFO       args)     // post & http arguments
  _unused nr;

  if (strcmp (url, "/postez.html") == 0)
    postez (ref tcp_client, args);


void handler (ref HANDLER_DATA p)
  handle_http_call (ref p, iserv, ref init);


void main()
  int rc;


  open_trace ("iserv.tra");

  // init internet server

  strcpy (out iserv.html_directory, "c:/www/");
  strcpy (out iserv.start_url, "/home.html");
  iserv.is_virtual_page     = is_virtual_page;
  iserv.handle_virtual_page = handle_virtual_page;
  iserv.handle_post_request = handle_post_request;
  iserv.tracing             = true;

  // start server

  trace ("============================================\n");
  trace ("info: server starting.\n");

  rc = serve_requests (port            => 80,
                       request_handler => handler,
                       max_handlers    => 512,
                       mode            => MODE_DUAL,
                       stop            => null,
                       server_is_ready => null,
                       incoming_call   => null,
                       trace_calls     => true);

  trace ("info: server stopping. rc=%d\n", rc);
  trace ("============================================\n");

Don't hesitate to read the description of the components 'http' and 'tcpip' of library std for other functions.

Annex B : files and generic packages

The following program lists all files of a folder, stores them in a binary tree, and displays them in order :

// p.c : list files, store them in a binary tree, and display them in order.

from std use exception, strings, bintree, files, console;

typedef string^ PSTRING;   // pointeur vers string


int compare (int^ line, PSTRING a, PSTRING b)
  _unused line;
  return stricmp (a^, b^);

int print_element (int^ line, PSTRING p)
  printf ("file %d : %s\n", line^++, p^);
  return 0;

int free_element (int^ line, PSTRING p)
  _unused line;
  free p;
  return 0;

void main()
  int^          pline = new int;
  int           rc;
  FILE_INFO     info;
  string^       p;


  create_btree (out t, pline, compare);

  rc = open_directory (out info, "c:/temp/*.*");
  while (rc == 0)
    if (info.type == TYPE_REGULAR_FILE)
      p = new string ' ([0 : strlen(]);
      rc = insert_btree (ref t, p);
      assert rc == 0;

    rc = read_directory (ref info);

  if (rc != NO_MORE_FILES)
    printf ("problem reading directory\n");

  close_directory (ref info);

  // walk the tree and display all its elements in order
  pline^ = 1;
  rc = traverse_btree (ref t, print_element, order => +1);
  assert rc == 0;

  // to delete the tree, you have to walk it first to free all its strings
  rc = traverse_btree (ref t, free_element, order => +1);
  assert rc == 0;

  // then you can delete it
  close_btree (ref t);

Annex C : display a picture in a window

The following program displays a picture in a window :

// show.c : afficheur d'images
from std use exception, files, image, win;


int load_my_image (string filename, int id)
  IMAGE_INFO image;
  int        x_res, y_res;
  window_get_resolution (out x_res, out y_res, id);
  if (load_image (out image, filename) < 0)
    return -1;

  assert resize_image (ref image, (uint)x_res, (uint)y_res) == 0;
  window_raster (0, 0, x_res, y_res, image.pixel^, id);
  free_image (ref image);
  return 0;


void main()
  int left, top, right, bottom;
  bool quit = false;

  get_screen_borders (out left, out top, out right, out bottom);
  create_screen (x => 100, y => 100, x_size => left+right+600, y_size => top+bottom+500, title => "Test");

  create_window (x => 2, y => 2, x_size => 400, y_size => 400, id => 100);
  create_button (x => 410, y => 20, x_size => 100, y_size => 30, text => " Load ", id => 10);
  create_button (x => 410, y => 60, x_size => 100, y_size => 30, text => " Exit ", id => 20);
  while (!quit)
    EVENT event;
    get_event (out event);
    switch (event.typ)
        switch (
          case 10:
              char filename[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
              if (select_filename (    dialog_title     => "Load",
                                       mask             => "images=*.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif\n",
                                       saving           => false,     // false=load, true=save
                                   out filename         => filename,
                                       default_filename => "") == 0)
                load_my_image (filename, id => 100);
          case 20:
            quit = true;
  close_screen ();
