// gui.h : graphical user interface with dialogs // if you use Windows controls, add a Windows manifest (see chapter 18 of compiler documentation) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------- DESKTOP -------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- int advised_ui_scale(); // returns best UI scale (1 to 4) void init_ui_scale (int scale); // scaling (1, 2, 3, 4) is not applied to main screen, only to dialogs. int ui_scale (int size); // multiplies by scale int ui_unscale (int size); // divides by scale //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // example: (800 x 600), (1024 x 768), (1280 x 1024), ... void get_desktop_resolution (out int x_size, out int y_size); // get active area of desktop, excluding task bar and widgets. void get_desktop_active_area (out int x, out int y, out int x_size, out int y_size); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------- FONT --------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- const string ARIAL = "Arial"; const string COURIER = "Courier"; const string COURIER_NEW = "Courier New"; const string FONT_MICROSOFT_SANS_SERIF = "Microsoft Sans Serif"; const string TIMES_NEW_ROMAN = "Times New Roman"; const int MAX_FONT_NAME_LENGTH = 32; const uint UNDERLINED = 1; const uint ITALIC = 2; const uint BOLD = 4; packed struct FONT { char name[MAX_FONT_NAME_LENGTH]; // ARIAL, COURIER, .. int height; // in pixels uint style; // a combination of UNDERLINED, ITALIC, BOLD uint color; // rgb color of text } // compute width of a text, in pixels, using specified font. // these functions are not multi-thread safe. int text_width_of2 (string text, FONT font); int wtext_width_of2 (wstring text, FONT font); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------ MAIN WINDOW ------------------------------------ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum APPLICATION_EVENT_TYPE { EVENT_NEW_APPLICATION, EVENT_MAIN_WINDOW_MOVE, // user must call set_main_window_position (e.x, e.y); EVENT_MAIN_WINDOW_RESIZE, // user must call set_main_window_size (e.x_size, e.y_size); EVENT_MAIN_WINDOW_MINIMIZED, // notify user that main window was minimized. EVENT_ACTIVATE, // notify user that app was activated (e.key=1) or deactivated (e.key=0) EVENT_KEYBOARD, EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE, EVENT_MOUSE_CLICKED, // left mouse button clicked, e.x,e.y contains position, key=1 for click, 2=second of doubleclick EVENT_MOUSE_DRAG, // move+left mouse button clicked, e.x,e.y contains position EVENT_MOUSE_DROP, // release left mouse button, e.x,e.y contains position EVENT_TEST_DROP_ALLOWED,// test if drop allowed, if yes call signal_drop_allowed. EVENT_MOUSE_CANCEL, // mouse moved outside main window EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL, // .y EVENT_MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON, // .key == 1 if pressed, 0 if unpressed or leaving window EVENT_MOUSE_MENU, // right mouse button clicked, e.x,e.y contains position EVENT_TIMER, EVENT_MENU, // menu was selected or post_menu_event() was called EVENT_CLOSE_BUTTON, // user hit CLOSE button of main window (must call close_main_window()) EVENT_END_APPLICATION, EVENT_RELATIVE_MOUSE_MOVE, EVENT_RELATIVE_MOUSE_LEFT_CLICK, EVENT_RELATIVE_MOUSE_RIGHT_CLICK, }; typedef short MENU_ID; // must be > 0 struct APPLICATION_EVENT { APPLICATION_EVENT_TYPE type; int key; // for EVENT_KEYBOARD (0 = keyboard focus lost) int scancode; // for EVENT_KEYBOARD MENU_ID id; // for EVENT_MENU int x, y; // for EVENT_MOUSE_xxx, EVENT_MAIN_WINDOW_MOVE int x_size, y_size; // for EVENT_MAIN_WINDOW_RESIZE : new size asked } const int KEY_SHIFT = 0x01_0000; const int KEY_CONTROL = 0x02_0000; const int KEY_ALT = 0x04_0000; const int KEY_CMD = 0x08_0000; // non-printable const int KEY_RELEASE = 0x10_0000; // key released (always with KEY_CMD) enum BACKGROUND_COLOR {BK_BLACK, BK_WHITE, BK_TRANSPARENT}; void set_main_window_background_color (BACKGROUND_COLOR color); typedef void APPLICATION_EVENT_HANDLER (APPLICATION_EVENT e); // this function does not return until the main window is closed. void create_main_window (APPLICATION_EVENT_HANDLER application_event_handler); // these functions are to be called within an event handler : void close_main_window (); // in response to EVENT_CLOSE_BUTTON. // get size of the 4 small borders of a main window. // (the difference between window size and client area) void get_main_window_borders (out int left, out int top, out int right, out int bottom); void set_main_window_position (int x, int y); void set_main_window_size (int x_size, int y_size); void get_main_window_position (out int x, out int y); void get_main_window_size (out int x_size, out int y_size); // get actual intern size (maybe user resized the application window or added a menu) // scaled = false to obtain real screen coordinates. void get_main_window_intern_size (out int width, out int height, bool scaled = true); void set_main_window_title (string title); void wset_main_window_title (wstring title); // must be called by handler EVENT_TEST_DROP_ALLOWED if drop is allowed. void signal_drop_allowed (); // disables mouse cursor and generates only relative mouse moves EVENT_RELATIVE_MOUSE_MOVE, // EVENT_RELATIVE_MOUSE_LEFT_CLICK and EVENT_RELATIVE_MOUSE_RIGHT_CLICK. void set_relative_mouse_mode (bool on); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------- MENUS --------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void append_menu (string name); void wappend_menu (wstring name); // assertion: id in 1 .. 32767 void append_menu_item (string name, MENU_ID id); void wappend_menu_item (wstring name, MENU_ID id); // assertion: id in 1 .. 32767 void enable_menu_item (bool enable, MENU_ID id); void remove_menu_bar (); // when a menu item is selected, an EVENT_MENU is generated with .id containing the MENU_ID void post_menu_event (MENU_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------- TIMER ----------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // start repetitive timer generating EVENT_TIMER on main window void start_timer (uint msecs); void stop_timer (); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------- DIALOG EVENTS ------------------------------------ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum EVENT_TYPE { EVENT_NEW_DIALOG, // first event after creating dialog : // event handler must set title, position, size and create controls. EVENT_CLOSE_DIALOG, // last event before closing dialog. EVENT_MOVE, // user wants to move dialog : // - event handler must call set_dialog_position (e.x, e.y); EVENT_RESIZE, // user wants to resize dialog : // - at ini, call once set_dialog_border_drag_size(4); // - event handler must call set_dialog_size (e.x_size, e.y_size); EVENT_NEW_FOCUS, // focus was set to a new control using TAB keys or mouse : // (button, edit, checkbox, listbox or window). // (.key contains the last key pressed, or 0 if it was a mouse click) EVENT_DIALOG_ACTIVATED, // user clicked on dialog (.other_d is deactivated) EVENT_DIALOG_DEACTIVATED, // user clicked on another dialog (.other_d) EVENT_BUTTON_PRESSED, // button was pressed EVENT_CHECKBOX_CHANGED, // checkbox setting was changed EVENT_RADIOBUTTON_CHANGED, // radiobutton setting was changed EVENT_EDIT_CHANGED, // edit/combo field was changed EVENT_EDITBOX_CHANGED, // editbox was changed, use editbox_get_info() to obtain latest info. EVENT_TEST_DROP_ON_CONTROL_ALLOWED, // test if drop on text/edit/window id allowed, if yes call signal_drop_allowed. EVENT_DROP_ON_CONTROL, // drop on text/edit/window id EVENT_LISTBOX_LINE_SELECTED, // listbox/combo/tree (for single selection, .line_nr indicates line nr) EVENT_LISTBOX_LINE_DESELECTED, // listbox line/tree .line_nr was deselected (event generated for single selection only) EVENT_LISTBOX_DRAG, // listbox id line .line_nr dragged EVENT_LISTBOX_TEST_DROP_ALLOWED, // test if drop on listbox id allowed, if yes call signal_drop_allowed. EVENT_LISTBOX_DROP, // drop on listbox id line .line_nr (.line_nr can be out of range !) EVENT_TREE_EXPANDED, // tree line .line_nr was selected for expansion [+] -> [-] (user must insert child items of level+1) EVENT_TREE_COLLAPSED, // tree line .line_nr was selected for collapse [-] -> [+] (user must delete child items of level+1) EVENT_TREE_DELETE, // tree line .line_nr was selected for deletion (user must delete line and child items of level+1) EVENT_SCROLLBAR_MOVED, // scrollbar moved by user (x or y = new shown top position) EVENT_WINDOW_CLICKED, // user clicked in window draw area EVENT_WINDOW_DRAG, // mouse moved in window with pressed mouse button (coordinates can be outside window) EVENT_WINDOW_DROP, // mouse button released in window (coordinates can be int'min if outside window) EVENT_WINDOW_HOVER, // user mouse moves over window without clicking EVENT_WINDOW_CLICKED_RIGHT, // user clicked in window draw area with right mouse button EVENT_WINDOW_DROP_RIGHT, // right mouse button released in window (coordinates can be outside window) EVENT_CONTEXT_MENU, // right mouse click (.id, .x, .y) EVENT_MESSAGE, // .message }; typedef int CONTROL_ID; typedef uint DIALOG_ID; struct EVENT { DIALOG_ID d; EVENT_TYPE type; // type of the event CONTROL_ID id; // denotes the control associated with the event, or 0 for EVENT_NEW_DIALOG/CLOSE_DIALOG/RESIZE int key; // for EVENT_NEW_FOCUS (last key pressed) // for EVENT_WINDOW_CLICKED, EVENT_LISTBOX_LINE_SELECTED, EVENT_LISTBOX_DRAG indicates mouse button 1 or 2. int message; // for EVENT_USER_MESSAGE int line_nr; // for EVENT_LISTBOX_xxx and EVENT_TREE_xxx : listbox or tree line number int x, y; // for EVENT_MOVE, EVENT_SCROLLBAR_MOVED, EVENT_WINDOW_xxx (window coordinates or outside it) int x_size, y_size; // for EVENT_RESIZE : new size asked DIALOG_ID other_d; // for EVENT_DIALOG_ACTIVATED, EVENT_DIALOG_DEACTIVATED : the other dialog, or 0. } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------- DIALOGS ------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef void DIALOG_HANDLER (EVENT e); void create_dialog (DIALOG_ID d, DIALOG_HANDLER dialog_handler); void close_dialog (DIALOG_ID d); // make dialog d visible/invisible void show_dialog (bool visible, DIALOG_ID d); // allow dialog to receive keyboard/mouse events, or not void enable_dialog (bool enabled, DIALOG_ID d); // posts event EVENT_MESSAGE to dialog d (for inter-dialog communication) void post_dialog_message (DIALOG_ID d, int message); // put dialog in foreground (like clicking on it) (call with d == 0 for deactivating all dialogs) void activate_dialog (DIALOG_ID d); // returns windows handle of dialog long hwnd_of (DIALOG_ID d); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --- all functions below can only be used WITHIN a dialog handler function ------ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef uint[6] GUI_COLORS; void close_my_dialog (); void set_dialog_position (int x, int y); void set_dialog_size (int x_size, int y_size); // set border size that can be clicked to resize window using EVENT_RESIZE void set_dialog_border_drag_size (int border_drag_size); // should be 4 for resizing, default is 0. void set_dialog_border_visual_size (int border_visual_size); // should be 2 for 3D effect, default is 2. void set_dialog_border_colors (uint[4] colors); // default is {0x000000, 0x808080, 0xE0E0E0, 0xFFFFFF} void set_dialog_title_height (int height); // default is 20 void set_dialog_title (string title); void wset_dialog_title (wstring title); void set_dialog_title_font (FONT font); // default is "Tahoma", 16, black. void set_dialog_title_background_color (uint color); // default is 0xFF8080 (blue) void set_dialog_close_button (bool enabled); // show close button on top right of title void set_dialog_background_color (uint color); // default is 0xC0C0C0. void set_dialog_transparency (int focus, int non_focus); // default = (255, 165) void set_dialog_default_font (FONT default_font); // set new default font for all new controls of this dialog. // set new default colors for all new controls of this dialog. void set_dialog_default_control_colors (GUI_COLORS default_colors); // default is {0x000000, 0x808080, 0xC0C0C0, 0xC0C0C0, 0xE0E0E0, 0xFFFFFF} // set default insert/delete mode of all new edit/combo fields of this dialog void set_dialog_default_insert_mode (bool insert); // true=insert, false=delete (default = insert) // redirect keyboard input (and mouse wheel events) to main window events void redirect_keyboard_to_main_window (bool redirect); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------- GENERAL SETTINGS APPLYING ON CONTROLS ------------------------ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // place the cursor on the specified control (this does not generate EVENT_NEW_FOCUS) void set_focus (CONTROL_ID id); void get_position (out int x, out int y, CONTROL_ID id); void set_position (int x, int y, CONTROL_ID id); void get_size (out int x_size, out int y_size, CONTROL_ID id); void set_size (int x_size, int y_size, CONTROL_ID id); void get_visible (out bool visible, CONTROL_ID id); void set_visible (bool visible, CONTROL_ID id); // set visibility of all controls with id between id1 and id2 void set_visibles (bool visible, CONTROL_ID id1, CONTROL_ID id2); void set_font (FONT font, CONTROL_ID id); // change font (not allowed for listbox, combo & window control) void get_font (out FONT font, CONTROL_ID id); void set_colors (GUI_COLORS colors, CONTROL_ID id); void get_colors (out GUI_COLORS colors, CONTROL_ID id); // set insert/delete mode of edit or combo or editbox control (default = insert) void set_insert_mode (bool insert, // true=insert, false=delete CONTROL_ID id); // get insert/delete mode of edit/combo/editbox control (true=insert, false=delete) bool get_insert_mode (CONTROL_ID id); // decide if user can type in field (default = true), for edit, checkbox, combo, editbox and radiobutton. void set_modify_mode (bool modify_allowed, CONTROL_ID id); // get modify mode for edit, combo and editbox. bool get_modify_mode (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------- TEXT : simple text fields ----------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // (x,y) are coordinates within the dialog client area; // for example (0,0) is the upper left dialog corner inside border and below title. // y_size must be >= font_height. void create_text (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize the text field with a string void text_put (string text, CONTROL_ID id); void wtext_put (wstring text, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------- BUTTON : rectangle with text, can be clicked ------------ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // (x,y) are coordinates within the dialog client area; // for example (0,0) is the upper left dialog corner inside border and below title. // (x_size,y_size) denote the button size, for example (74,23) // 'x_size' must be >= 4. // 'y_size' must be >= (font_size + 4). // 'text' : a shortkey can be created by a preceding '&' sign, // for example the button "&OK" will be accessible by typing 'ALT-o'. void create_button (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, string text, CONTROL_ID id); void wcreate_button (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, wstring text, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // modify text of a button void button_set_text (string text, CONTROL_ID id); void wbutton_set_text (wstring text, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //---- CHECKBOX : rectangle zone that can be checked 'v' + text ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // (x,y) are coordinates within the dialog client area; // for example (0,0) is the upper left dialog corner inside border and below title. // 'x_size' must be >= (box_width + 4). // 'y_size' must be >= (font_height + 4). // 'box_width' : width of the box with the 'v' sign. void create_checkbox (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, int box_width, string text, CONTROL_ID id); void wcreate_checkbox (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, int box_width, wstring text, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // retrieve the setting of a checkbox. // 'setting' : true=enabled, false=disabled. void checkbox_get (out bool setting, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // modify the setting of a checkbox. // 'setting' : true=enabled, false=disabled. void checkbox_set (bool setting, CONTROL_ID id); //----------------------- //---- RADIOBUTTON ----- //----------------------- // (x,y) are coordinates within the dialog client area; // for example (0,0) is the upper left dialog corner inside border and below title. // 'x_size' must be >= (box_width + 4). // 'y_size' must be >= (font_height + 4). // 'box_width' : width of the box with the 'O' sign. typedef uint RADIOBUTTON_GROUP_ID; // unique ID per group of radiobuttons void create_radiobutton (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, int box_width, string text, RADIOBUTTON_GROUP_ID gid, CONTROL_ID id); void wcreate_radiobutton (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, int box_width, wstring text, RADIOBUTTON_GROUP_ID gid, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // retrieve the id of the selected radiobutton of the group, or 0 if none is selected. CONTROL_ID radiobutton_selected (RADIOBUTTON_GROUP_ID gid); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // modify the setting of a radiobutton. // enable button 'id' and disable all other buttons in the group. void radiobutton_set (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------- COMBO : editable text line + listbox ------------ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // (x,y) are coordinates within the dialog client area; // for example (0,0) is the upper left dialog corner inside border and below title. // 'x_size' must be >= (4 + arrow_box_width) // 'y_size' must be >= (font_height + 4) // 'length' denotes the max number of editable characters. // All functions for EDIT and LISTBOX controls can be used on COMBO controls. void create_combo (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, int arrow_box_width, int arrow_box_height, int length, int max_listbox_lines, // >= 1 CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------- TREE : listbox with expandable lines ------------ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // (x,y) are coordinates within the dialog client area; // for example (0,0) is the upper left dialog corner inside border and below title. // 'x_size' must be >= (4 + arrow_box_width) // 'y_size' must be >= (4 + font_height) // 'length' denotes the max number of editable characters. // All functions for LISTBOX controls can be used on TREE controls. void create_tree (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, int arrow_box_width, int arrow_box_height, int length, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------- EDIT : editable text lines ---------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // (x,y) are coordinates within the dialog client area; // for example (0,0) is the upper left dialog corner inside border and below title. // 'x_size' must be >= 4. // 'y_size' must be >= (font_height + 4) // 'length' denotes the max number of editable characters. void create_edit (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, int length, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // retrieve the contents of an edit or combo control. // buffer'size must be >= length bytes // (see function create_edit(), above). void edit_get (out string buffer, CONTROL_ID id); void wedit_get (out wstring buffer, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // same as above, but the leading and trailing spaces of the result are removed. void edit_get2 (out string buffer, CONTROL_ID id); void wedit_get2 (out wstring buffer, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize the edit/combo control with a string, put cursor in column 1, remove marks. void edit_put (string text, CONTROL_ID id); void wedit_put (wstring text, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void edit_insert_text (string text, CONTROL_ID id); void wedit_insert_text (wstring text, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // 'cursor_x' must be in range 1 to length+1 (see function create_edit()) void edit_set_cursor (int cursor_x, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // returns cursor position within edit field (range 1 to length+1) int edit_get_cursor (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // set password mode (all characters are displayed as '****') void edit_set_password_mode (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //---- LISTBOX : a list of selectable text lines, with scrollbar ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // (x,y) are coordinates within the dialog client area; // for example (0,0) is the upper left dialog corner inside border and below title. // (x_size, y_size) denotes the listbox size, including the border; // 'x_size' must be >= 4 + arrow_box_width. // 'y_size' must >= 4 + font_height. // 'arrow_box_width' and 'arrow_box_height' : 16 (must be >= 4). // 'length' denotes the max number of characters of a line. void create_listbox (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, int arrow_box_width, int arrow_box_height, int length, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- struct ITEM_ATTRIBUTES { int8 reference; // user reference uint2 type; // for a tree : icon type (for future use) bool is_folder; // for a tree : item can contain other items uint2 level; // for a tree : depth level (0 = root) } const ITEM_ATTRIBUTES DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES = {reference => 0, type => 0, is_folder => false, level => 0}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // insert a line in listbox 'id' at 'index'. // text'length must not exceed 'length'. void listbox_insert (int index, // 0 = append to end string text, CONTROL_ID id, ITEM_ATTRIBUTES attr = DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES); void wlistbox_insert (int index, // 0 = append to end wstring text, CONTROL_ID id, ITEM_ATTRIBUTES attr = DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // update a line in listbox 'id' at 'index'. // text'length must not exceed 'length'. void listbox_update (int index, string text, CONTROL_ID id); void wlistbox_update (int index, wstring text, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // same as above, with additional reference values. void listbox_update2 (int index, string text, int8 reference, CONTROL_ID id); void wlistbox_update2 (int index, wstring text, int8 reference, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // retrieve a line from listbox 'id' at 'index'. // 'text' must be a buffer of at least 'length' bytes. void listbox_retrieve ( int index, out string text, CONTROL_ID id); void wlistbox_retrieve ( int index, out wstring text, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // same as above, with additional attribute values. void listbox_retrieve2 ( int index, out string text, out ITEM_ATTRIBUTES attr, CONTROL_ID id); void wlistbox_retrieve2 ( int index, out wstring text, out ITEM_ATTRIBUTES attr, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // deletes a line in listbox 'id' at 'index' void listbox_delete (int index, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // counts the number of lines in the listbox 'id' int listbox_count (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // returns the current cursor line, or 0 if the listbox is empty int listbox_cursor (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // set the current cursor line (error if the listbox is empty). // note: this function does not set the focus on the listbox. // it also does not select or deselect a line. void listbox_set_cursor (int index, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // allow/disallow the selection of lines by the user void listbox_allow_user_selection (bool allow, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // allow/disallow the searching of lines using a hotkey (default=allow) // (this makes only sense if the listbox lines are sorted) void listbox_allow_hotkey_search (bool allow, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // permit the simultaneous selection of several lines. Setting this mode // cancels any selection done in the earlier single selection mode. // it is not possible to reset the listbox to single selection mode. // allowed for listbox or tree, not for combobox. void listbox_set_multiselection (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // obtain the currently selected line, or 0 if no line was selected. // this function is not allowed if multiselection was enabled (see above). int listbox_selected_line (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // test if listbox line 'index' is selected. bool listbox_line_is_selected (int index, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // select the listbox line 'index'. // 'select': false = deselect, true = select. void listbox_select_line (int index, bool select, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // obtain the nr of the top line displayed in the listbox. int listbox_top_displayed_line (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // sort listbox lines using uppercase comparison and extended characters. void listbox_sort (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // user-defined function that must return // -1 if line1 < line2, 0 if equal, 1 if line1 > line2 typedef int COMPARE_LISTBOX_LINES ( int8 reference1, bool selected1, wstring line1, int8 reference2, bool selected2, wstring line2); // sort listbox lines using user-defined comparison function void listbox_sort_user (CONTROL_ID id, COMPARE_LISTBOX_LINES user_compare); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------- SCROLLBAR -------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void create_horizontal_scrollbar (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, int arrow_box_width, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void horizontal_scrollbar_set_arrow_box_width (int arrow_box_width, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void create_vertical_scrollbar (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, int arrow_box_height, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void vertical_scrollbar_set_arrow_box_height (int arrow_box_height, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // full_size = total height of object to display, in lines or pixels. // shown_size = height of object shown on screen, in lines or pixels. void scrollbar_set_range (int full_size, int shown_size, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void scrollbar_set_position (int pos, CONTROL_ID id); // set top shown position //-------------------------------------------------------------------- int scrollbar_position (CONTROL_ID id); // get top shown position //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // small_y_increment = nb lines or pixels to jump when clicking on arrow box. void scrollbar_set_line_position_increment (int small_y_increment, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------- WINDOW : drawing area ----------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // (x,y) are coordinates relative to the last created screen. // (x_size,y_size) denotes the window size. void create_window (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // 'flag' = false : disable refresh. // is used in case an extern control, like a webcam, refreshes it. void window_set_refresh_mode (bool flag, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // the following functions are available to draw in a window : void window_set_color (uint rgb, CONTROL_ID id); void window_pixel (int x, int y, CONTROL_ID id); void window_line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, CONTROL_ID id); void window_box (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, CONTROL_ID id); void window_text (int x, int y, string text, CONTROL_ID id); void window_wtext (int x, int y, wstring text, CONTROL_ID id); // writes text in bottom left corner, use offset_x, offset_y to change that. void window_text_opaque (int x, int y, int width, int height, string text, uint background_color, CONTROL_ID id, int offset_x = 0, int offset_y = 0); void window_wtext_opaque (int x, int y, int width, int height, wstring text, uint background_color, CONTROL_ID id, int offset_x = 0, int offset_y = 0); // display an image in a window. // 'image' must be an array of (4 * size_x * size_y) bytes. // Each pixel is stored as 4 bytes in format RGBS : // the three first bytes indicate the red, green, blue intensity of the pixel. // scaled = false to use real screen coordinates. void window_raster (int x, int y, int size_x, int size_y, byte[] image, CONTROL_ID id, bool immediate = false, bool scaled = true); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //---- EDITBOX ------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // (x,y) are coordinates relative to the last created screen; // for example (1,1) is the upper left screen corner. // (x_size, y_size) denotes the editbox size, including the border; // a non-proportional font, like Courier New, must be used. void create_editbox (int x, int y, int x_size, int y_size, int max_line_length, int max_text_lines, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // sets the text_was_modified flag. // This flag can be examined using editbox_text_was_modified(), void editbox_set_text_was_modified_flag (bool text_was_modified, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // returns a flag indicating if the text was modified. // The flag is set to true if the user modifies the text. // It is set to false if a new text is loaded using editbox_load_text(), // if the text is saved using editbox_save_text(), or if lines are // inserted, updated or deleted. bool editbox_text_was_modified (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // returns the number of lines in the editbox (always >= 1) int editbox_text_count_lines (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void editbox_get_cursor (out int col, out int line, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void editbox_set_cursor (int col, int line, int page, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // note: the text_was_modified flag is set to false (see editbox_text_was_modified()) void editbox_clear_text (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // store the full text // note: the text_was_modified flag is set to false (see editbox_text_was_modified()) void editbox_store_text (wstring text, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // retrieve the full text // note: the text_was_modified flag is set to false (see editbox_text_was_modified()) wstring^ editbox_retrieve_full_text (CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- struct EDITBOX_INFORMATION { int col; // current column (>= 0) int ln; // current line (>=1) bool insert; // true=insert mode, false=delete mode int page; // line number of first screen line (>= 1) int scroll; // column of first screen column (>= 0) } void editbox_get_info (out EDITBOX_INFORMATION editbox_information, CONTROL_ID id); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void set_cursor_hourglass (bool show); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void set_wallpaper (int size_x, int size_y, byte[] image); //--------------------------------------------------------------------